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教育背景 1987年9月- 1991年7月 西南交通大学 工业工程管理 学士 1996年12月 -2000年10月 瑞典皇家工学院 建筑和房地产经济学 博士 工作履历 2009– 现在 清华大学 副教授 2001-2008 瑞典乌普萨拉大学 助理研究员、研究员 2000-2001 瑞典皇家工学院 博士后 学术兼职 全球华人不动产学会(Global Chinese Real Estate Congress),理事 亚洲房地产学会(AsRES),理事 北京市住房保障决策专家组成员 高等学校房地产开发与管理专业指导委员会,秘书(2014-2018) Housing Studies 编委 Housing,Theory & Society 编委 奖励与荣誉 2017年清华大学首届年度教学优秀奖 2015年全球房地产高峰论坛,论文特等奖 2014年清华大学教学成果奖二等奖:“多角色全过程的房地产实践教学体系建设”,第一完成人 2014年清华大学教学成果奖一等奖:“‘全球视野与创新能力’为导向的,建设管理人才培养平台建设”,第五完成人 2013年清华大学“教书育人先进个人”,清华大学“优秀班主任”二等奖 2002年获瑞典国家奖Albert Aronson – Priset of Svenska Bostäder, 表彰在房地产领域的研究


房地产经济: 房地产价格波动和风险、土地价格和政策、居民消费、住房保障政策、居家养老 城市经济学: 居住社区和能源消耗、健康社区、新城建设 房地产金融:住房抵押贷款、企业投资和决策


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Ying Fan, Zan Yang, Yavas Abdullah. Understanding real estate price dynamics: The case of housing prices in five major cities of China. Journal of Housing Economics. 2019, 43: 37-55. Zan Yang, Yuqi Fu. Physical attributes of housing and elderly health: A new dynamic perspective. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16: 4961. Zan Yang, Shuping Wu. Land acquisition outcome, developer risk attitude and land development timing. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2019, 59(2): 233-271. Zan Yang, Ying Fan, Liqing Zhao. A reexamination of housing price and household consumption in China: The dual role of housing consumption and housing investment. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018, 56(3): 472-499. Zan Yang, Ying Fan, Song Shi, Jing Liao. Political connections and corporate borrowing: An analysis on the listed real estate firms in China. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018, 57(3): 315-350. Ying Fan, Shuai Fang, Zan Yang. Living arrangements of the elderly: A new perspective from choice constraints in China. China Economic Review, 2018, 50: 101-116. Ying Fan, Jing Wu, Zan Yang. Informal borrowing and home purchase: Evidence from urban China. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2017, 67: 108-118. Jie Chen, Zan Yang. What do young adults on the edges of homeownership look like in big cities in an emerging economy: Evidence from Shanghai. Urban Studies, 2017, 54(10): 2322-2341. Zan Yang, Shuping Wu, Cindy Cheung. From income and housing wealth inequalities to emissions inequality carbon emissions of households in China. Journal of Housing & the Built Environment, 2017, 32(2):231-252. Zan Yang, Ying Fan, Cindy Cheung. Housing assets to the elderly in urban China: to fund or to hedge? Housing Studies, 2017, 32(5): 638-658. Zan Yang, Ying Fan, Siqi Zheng. Determinants of household carbon emissions: Pathway toward eco-community in Beijing. Habitat International, 2016, 57: 175-186. Zan Yang, Bengt Turner. Shock hunting: Effects of regional-dependent, regional-specific shocks in the Swedish property market, Housing Theory& Society, 2016, 33(2): 178 – 194. Song Shi, Zan Yang, David Tripe, Huan Zhang. Uncertainty and new apartment price setting: A real options approach. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2015, 35, 574-591. Zan Yang, Rongrong Ren, Hongyu Liu, Huan Zhang. Land leasing and local government behavior in China: Evidence from Beijing. Urban Studies, 2015, 52(5), 841-856. Jie Chen, Zan Yang, Yaping Wang. The new Chinese model of public housing: A step forward or backward? Housing studies, 2014, 29 (4): 534-550. Zan Yang, Chengdong Yi, Wei Zhang, Chun Zhang. Affordability of housing and accessibility of public services: Evaluation of housing programs in Beijing. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 2014, 29(3): 521-540 Zan Yang, Songtao Wang. Permanent and transitory shocks in owner-occupied housing: A common trend model of price dynamics. Journal of Housing Economics, 2012(21): 336-346 Zan Yang, Songtao Wang. The impact of privatization of public housing on housing affordability in Beijing: An assessment using household survey data, Local Economy, 2011, 26(5): 384-400. Songtao Wang, Zan Yang, Hongyu Liu. Impact of urban economic openness on real estate prices: Evidence from thirty-five cities in China, China Economic Review, 2011, 22(1): 42-54. Zan Yang, Songtao Wang, Robert Campbell. Monetary policy and regional price boom. Journal of Policy Modelling, 2010, 32: 865- 879. Zan Yang, Yue Shen. The Affordability of owner occupied housing in Beijing. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 2008, 23: 317-335. Bharat Barot, Zan Yang. Housing price and housing investment in Sweden and UK, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 2020, 14(2): 189-216. Zan Yang. Cointegration of housing price and property stock prices: Evidence from the Swedish market. Journal of Property Research, 2015: 1-17. Zan Yang. An application of the hedonic price model with uncertain attributes: The case of the People’s Republic of China, Journal of Property Management, 2000, 19(1): 50-63. Christian Janssen, Zan Yang. Estimating the market value of a proposed townhouse development, Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 1999, 17(5): 501-516. Zan Yang, Jie Chen. Housing affordability and housing policy in China. Springer, 2014. 张晨楠,郑吉阳,杨赞.基于一般均衡的城市交通公平模拟研究.交通运输系统工程与信息,2020,20(3):33-38. 杨赞,丁立群,张昊群.中国房地产政策不确定性指数的构建.中央财经大学学报,2020(01):89-96. 杨赞,丁立群,杨鸿杰.基于城市群的住房需求相关性及政策影响研究.华东经济管理,2019,33(11):100-106. 杨赞,江谢家宏,樊颖,林晏平.养老驿站PPP模式政府激励制度设计研究——基于博弈视角.建筑经济,2019,40(01):15-20. 杨赞,方帅,樊颖.基于居住选择与居住意愿的中国老年人生活满意度的微观研究.华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2018,50(06):153-162+177. 吴淑萍,杨赞. 土地供应计划对地方政府土地供应决策的影响:基于前景理论的分析.清华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,58(09):849-857. 樊颖,杨赞.社会资本、人力资本与中国城镇居民住房抵押贷款需求.经济评论,2018(04):115-132. 孙世然,樊颖,杨赞.城市经营者还是市场监管者?——市场波动下地方政府土地供给非对称行为研究.中国土地科学,2017,31(08):44-52. 杨赞,杨鸿杰,樊颖.产业结构和人力资本对城市的影响——基于住房供给视角.华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2017,49(04):130-136+164-165. 杨赞,林晏平.基于北京居家养老服务的特许经营模式经济效率研究.工程管理学报,2017,31(02):136-140. 吴淑萍,樊颖,杨赞.利率政策对房价的“非对称性”影响路径——基于小波分析和GARCH模型的研究.上海金融,2017(02):3-10. 杨赞,吴淑萍,张欢.政府关联与房地产企业过度投资行为的关系研究. 工程管理学报,2016,3:143-147. 杨赞,杨鸿杰,吴淑萍.如何破除中国电动汽车市场充电壁垒——对物业公司意愿的考量.中国房地产,2015,30:67-73. 樊颖,杨赞.政府公共品供给影响下的住房价格-居民消费关系研究.中国房地产,2015,27:3-10. 樊颖,张红,杨赞.基于小波分析的北京市住宅市场景气循环周期.清华大学学报(自然科学版),2015,55(9):984-990. 樊颖,张晓营,杨赞.中国城镇老年消费特征及财富效应的微观实证研究.消费经济,2015,31(3):39-42. 樊颖,杨赞,吴璟.谁在为配建保障性住房项目“买单”?——基于北京市微观数据的实证分析.经济评论,2015(2):3-12. 杨赞,张欢,沈彦皓.银企关系与房地产公司的信贷违约-基于嵌入性视角的研究. 财经论丛, 2015(9): 78-86. 杨赞,张欢,赵丽清.中国住房的双重属性:消费和投资的视角.经济研究,2014 (增1):55-65. 杨赞,张欢,陈杰再购房潜在动机如何影响住房的财富效应?——基于城镇住户大样本调查数据的微观层面分析.财经研究,2014,40(7):54-64. 杨赞,赵丽清,陈杰.中国城镇老年家庭的消费行为特征研究.统计研究,2013,30(12):83-88. 杨赞,张蔚,易成栋,高菠阳.公共租赁住房的可支付性和可达性研究:以北京为例.城市发展研究,2013,10:69-74. 杨赞,沈彦皓.软信息、关系借贷与信贷违约风险度量---基于房地产上市公司的实证研究.商业时代,2013,27:83-85. 杨赞,沈彦皓,保障性住房融资的国际经验借鉴:政府作用.现代城市研究,2010,9:7-12.
