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主要学习经历 1983.9-1987.7 北京农业大学农学专业获学士学位 1989.9-1993.7 北京农业大学农学专业获得硕士学位 1994.9-1997.6 中国农业大学获农学博士学位 1999.3-2000.3 以色列巴尹兰(Bar-Ilan)大学进行博士后工作 主要工作经历 1987.7-1988.12 北京农业大学党委科员 1994.1-1997.12 中国农业大学农学系讲师 1998.1-2003.9 中国农业大学作物学院农学系副教授 1999.3-2000.3 以色列巴尹兰大学博士后工作 2003.10-今 中国农业大学农学院教授,博士生导师 2012.7-今: 国家能源非粮生物质原料研发中心副主任


非粮能源作物筛选、品种培育生产技术 生物质原料生产的可持续性 作物秸秆资源可获得性及理化特性


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王晓玉, 薛帅, 谢光辉. 2012. 用于中国各省大田作物秸秆量评估的秸秆系数取值. 中国农业大学学报, 17(1) : 1-8 谢光辉. 2012. 非粮生物质原料体系研发进展及方向. 中国农业大学学报, 17 (6): 1-19 韦茂贵, 王晓玉, 谢光辉. 2012. 我国不同地区主要大田作物田间秸秆成熟期. 中国农业大学学报, 17 (6): 20-31 韦茂贵, 王晓玉, 谢光辉. 2012. 中国各省大田作物秸秆资源量及其时间分布. 中国农业大学学报, 17 (6): 32-44 郭利磊, 王晓玉, 陶光灿, 谢光辉. 2012. 中国各省大田作物加工副产物资源量. 中国农业大学学报, 17(16) : 45-55 韩立朴, 马凤桥, 谢光辉*, 刘金铜. 2012. 甜高粱生产要素特征、成本及能源效率分析. 中国农业大学学报, 17(16) : 56-69 王继师, 刘祖昕, 樊帆, 韩立朴, 谢光辉*. 24个甜高粱品种主要农艺性状与品质性状遗传多样性分析. 中国农业大学学报, 17(6) : 83-91 刘祖昕, 谢光辉. 2012. 菊芋作为能源植物的研究进展. 中国农业大学学报, 17(6) : 122-132 薛帅, 王继师, 赵伟华, 梁振兴, 刘全儒, 徐兴友, 谢光辉. 2012. 陕西省非粮柴油植物资源的调查与筛选. 中国农业大学学报, 17(6) : 215-224 谢光辉, 秦烁, 薛帅, 梁振兴. 2012. 亚麻荠作为生物柴油原料的研究现状与前景分析. 中国农业大学学报, 17( 6) : 239-246 王继师, 樊帆, 韩立朴, 胡亮, 谢光辉*. 2013. 不同类型高粱主要农艺性状与品质性状差异分析. 中国农业大学学报,18(3):45-54 樊帆, 韩立朴, 刘祖昕, 王继师, 谢光辉*. 2013. 氮素对干旱地区甜高粱碳水化合物和理论乙醇产量的影响研究. 中国农业大学学报, 18(4):28-36 谢光辉. 2013. 论中国非粮生物质原料的非粮属性. 中国农业大学学报, 18(6): 1-5 秦烁, 薛帅, 梁振兴,李桂英, 谢光辉*. 2013. 基于灰色系统的陕西与甘肃非粮柴油植物资源评价与筛选. 中国农业大学学报, 18(6): 6-17 谢光辉*, 段增强, 张宝贵, 佟东生, 王林凤. 2014. 中国适宜用于非粮能源植物生产的土地概念、分类和发展战略. 中国农业大学学报, 19(2): 1-8 张宝贵, 谢光辉*. 2014. 干旱半干旱地区边际地种植能源植物的资源环境问题探讨. 中国农业大学学报, 19(2): 9-13 方艳茹,廖树华,王林风,任兰天,谢光辉. 2014. 小麦秸秆收储运模型的建立及成本分析研究. 中国农业大学学报, 19(2): 28-35 谢光辉*, 刘奇颀, 段增强, 张宝贵. 中国宜能非粮地资源评价研究进展. 中国农业大学学报, 2015, 20(2): 1-10 刘奇颀, 孙川东, 张宝贵, 谢光辉*. 中国宜能非粮地资源研究方法与适宜性评价指标. 中国农业大学学报, 2015, 20(2): 11-20 金宝森, 张伟, 谢光辉*. 能源高粱在盐碱地上的品种筛选. 中国农业大学学报, 2015, 20(2): 27-34 陈超玲, 杨阳, 谢光辉*. 2016. 中国国家秸秆资源管理政策发展述评.中国农业大学学报,21(8): 1-11 Shuai Xue, Dong Qian Han, Yong Jing Yu, Li Pu Han, Yosef Steinberger, Guang Hui Xie*. 2011. Dynamics in Size, Elongation, and Dry Weight of Elongated Internodes in Sweet Sorghum Plants. Field Crop Research. Field Crops Research, 2012,126:37 Han LP, Wang XL, Guo XQ, Rao MS., Steinberger Y, Cheng X, Xie GH*. 2011. Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Yield and Lodging of Sweet Sorghum. Research on Crops. 12 (2) : 372-382 Zhao YL,Steinberger Y,Shi M,Han LP,Xie GH*. 2012. Changes in Stem Composition and Harvested Produce of Sweet Sorghum during the Period from Maturity to a Sequence of Delayed Harvest Dates. Biomass and Bioenergy,39: 261-273 Liu ZX, Spiertz JHJ, Sha J, Xue S, Xie GH*. 2012. Growth and Yield Performance of Jerusalem Artichoke Clones in a Semi-arid Region of China. Agronomy Journal, 104 (6): 1538–1546 Ren LT, LiuZX, Wei TY, Xie GH*. 2012. Evaluation of energy input and output of sweet sorghum grown as a bioenergy crop on coastal saline-alkali land. Energy, 47: 166-173, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2012.09.024 Wang JS, Wang ML, Spiertz J.H.J, Liu Z, Han L, Xie GH*. 2013. Genetic variation in yield and chemical composition of a wide range of sorghum accessions grown in Northwest China. Research on Crops, 14(2) Fan F, Spiertz JHJ, Han LP, Liu ZX, Xie GH*. 2013. Sweet sorghum performance under irrigated conditions in Northwest China : Biomass and its partitioning in inbred and hybrid cultivars at two nitrogen levels. Research on Crops, 14(2) Xue S, Steinberger Y, Wang JS, Li GY, Xu XY, Xie GH 2013. Biodiesel Potential of Nonfood Plant Resources from Tsinling and Zhongtiao Mountains of China. BioEnergy Research, 6(3): 1104-1117, DOI 10.1007/s12155-013-9346-z Wang X, Yang L, Steinberger Y, Liu Z, Liao S, Xie G. 2013. Field Crop Residue Estimate and Availability for Biofuel Production in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 27: 864–875, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2013.07.005 Zhu W, Lestander T, ?rberg H, Wei M, Hedman B, Ren J, Xie G, Xiong S. 2013. Cassava stems: a new resource to increase food and fuel production. GCB Bioenergy, DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12112 Wei M, Zhu W, Xie, G, Lestander TA, Wang J, Xiong S. 2014. Ash composition in Cassava Stems Originating from Different Locations, Varieties, and Harvest Times. Energy & Fuels. DOI: 10.1021/ef5009693 Wang JS, Steinberger Y, Wang XY, Hu L, Chen Xu, Xie GH. 2014. Variations of Chemical Composition in Corn Stover Used for Biorefining. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 8(6): 633-640, DOI:10.1166/jbmb.2014.1474 Zhuo Y, Zhang Y, Xie G, Xiong S. 2015. Effects of salt stress on biomass and ash composition of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B ? Soil & Plant Science. DOI:10.1080/09064710. 2015.1006670 Yang L , Wang XY, Han LP, Spiertz J.H.J, Liao SH, Wei MG and Xie GH. 2015. A quantitative assessment of crop residue feedstocks for biofuel in North and Northeast China. GCB Bioenergy, (2015) 7, 100–111, DOI: 10.1111/gcbb. 12109 Han LP, Wang XY, Spiertz JHJ, Yang L, Zhou Y, Liu JT, Xie GH. 2015. Spatio - Temporal Availability of Field Crop Residues for Biofuel Production in Northwest and Southwest China. Bioenergy Research, 8: 402–414. DOI 10.1007/s12155-014-9522-9 Liu HH, Ren LT, Spiertz H, Zhu YB, Xie GH. 2015. An economic analysis of sweet sorghum cultivation for ethanol production in North China. GCB bioenergy, 7(5): 1176-1184. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12222. Ren L, Cafferty K, Roni M, Jacobson J, Xie G, Ovard L, Wright C. 2015. Analyzing and Comparing Biomass Feedstock Supply Systems in China: Corn Stover and Sweet Sorghum Case Studies. Energies, 8: 5577-5597, doi:10.3390/ en8065577 Qin S, Xue S, Steinberger Y, Li GY, Xie GH. 2015. Evaluation and Screening of Potential Non-Food Biodiesel Plants from Native Wild Species of Northwestern China. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 9 (5):528-536. DOI: 10.1166/jbmb.2015.1548 Wei M, Zhu W, Xie G, Lestander TA, and Xiong S. 2015. Cassava stem wastes as potential feedstock for fuel ethanol production: A basic parameter study. Renewable Energy, 83:970-978. DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2015.05.054 Han LP, Wang XY, Spiertz JHJ, Yang L, Zhou Y, Liu JT, Xie GH. 2015. Spatio- Temporal Availability of Field Crop Residues for Biofuel Production in Northwest and Southwest China. Bioenergy Research, 8: 402–414. DOI: 10.1007/s12155-014-9522-9 Li M, Wang J, Yang Y, Xie GH. 2016. Alkali-based pretreatments distinctively extract lignin and pectin for enhancing biomass saccharification by altering cellulose features in sugar-rich Jerusalem artichoke stem. Bioresource Technology, 208: 31–41. DOI:10.1016/j.Biortech 2016.02.053 Yang Y , Fu T, Bao W, Xie GH*. 2016. Life-cycle analysis of greenhouse gas and PM2.5 emissions from restaurant waste oil used for biodiesel production in China. BioEnergy Research, DOI: 10.1007/s12155-016-9792-5 Ameen A, Yang X, Chen F, Tang C, Du F, Fahad S, Xie GH*. 2016. Biomass yield and nutrient uptake of energy sorghum in response to nitrogen fertilizer rate on marginal land in a semi?arid region. BioEnergy Research, DOI: 10.1007/s12155-016-9804-5 Chen F, Ameen A, Tang CC, et al., 2017. Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization Rate on Soil Nitrogen for Energy Sorghum on Marginal Land in China. Agronomy Journal. 109(2):1-10
