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2003年本科毕业于浙江大学生物工程专业,2005获南丹麦大学生物技术硕士,2008年获德国慕尼黑大学生物技术博士,回国后在上海生科院系统生物学重点实验室蛋白质组研究分析中心从事两年博士后工作。2011年5月开始在同济大学生命科学与技术学院工作。2014~2016期间两次去美国犹他大学访学。 承担项目 2016-2018,国家自然科学基金青年项目,31500626、交联质谱法寻找新型毒素的作用靶点、主持 2014-2017,国家自然科学基金面上项目,31370771、Fidgetin蛋白对纤毛生成的影响及其分子机理研究、参与 2013-2016,国家自然科学基金面上项目,31271373、核小体重塑在果蝇母源向合子转化中的表观调控作用、参与 2013-2015,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类,20120072120031、芋螺毒素核酸与蛋白质序列的生物信息学挖掘与序列预测建模、主持 2012-2016,863项目,2012AA092201、典型海洋生物重要功能基因开发与利用、参与 2012-2013,同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划,2011KJ039、紫霞芋螺多肽毒素组学的初步研究、主持 2010-2014,973项目,2010CB529802、我国特有海洋产毒动物多肽毒素的分子多样性和结构特征、参与 2010-2011,中国博士后科学基金特别资助金,脂肪细胞分化过程中组蛋白翻译后修饰的定量分析及相关DNA靶点定位、主持 2009-2011,中国博士后科学基金面上资助,20090460054、脂肪前体细胞接触抑制过程中组蛋白修饰的变化、主持


1. 芋螺毒素 2. 基因组调控元件



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Z. Wu, M. Zhong, M. Li, H. Huang, J. Liao, A. Lu, K. Guo, N. Ma, J. Lin, J. Duan, L. Liu, F. Xu, Z. Zhong and J. Chen. “Mutation Analysis of Pre-mRNA Splicing Genes PRPF31, PRPF8, and SNRNP200 in Chinese Families with Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa”. Current Molecular Medicine. 2018, 18(5):287-294. Shaliu Fu, Qin Wang, Jill E Moore, Michael J Purcaro, Henry E Pratt, Kaili Fan, Cuihua Gu, Cizhong Jiang, Ruixin Zhu, Anshul Kundaje, Aiping Lu, Zhiping Weng; “Differential analysis of chromatin accessibility and histone modifications for predicting mouse developmental enhancers”, Nucleic Acids Research 2018, 46(21):11184-11201.https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky753 Samuel D. Robinson, Qing Li, Aiping Lu, Pradip K. Bandyopadhyay, Mark Yandell, Baldomero M. Olivera, Helena Safavi-Hemami. “The Venom Composition of Conus gloriamaris (Chemnitz, 1777), the Glory of the Sea”. Marine Drugs 2017, 15(5). pii: E145. Qing Li, Neda Barghi, Aiping Lu, Alexander E. Fedosov, Pradip K. Bandyopadhyay, Arturo O. Lluisma, Gisela P. Concepcion, Mark Yandell, Baldomero M. Olivera, and Helena Safavi-Hemami. “Divergence of the Venom Exogene Repertoire in Two Sister Species of Turriconus”. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2017, 9(9):2211-2225. Helena Safavi-Hemami, Aiping Lu, Qing Li, Alexander E. Fedosov, Jason Biggs, Patrice Showers Corneli, Jon Seger, Mark Yandell and Baldomero M. Olivera. “Venom Insulins of Cone Snails Diversify Rapidly and Track Prey Taxa”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2016; 33(11):2924-2934. Shaoqiong Xu, Tianlong Zhang, Shiva N. Kompella, Mengdi Yan, Aiping Lu, Yanfang Wang, Xiaoxia Shao, Chengwu Chi, David J. Adams, Jianping Ding & Chunguang Wang. “Conotoxin αD-GeXXA utilizes a novel strategy to antagonize nicotinic acetylcholine receptors”. Scientific Reports 2015, 5:14261. Shaoqiong Xu, Xiaoxia Shao, Mengdi Yan, Chengwu Chi, Aiping Lu* & Chunguang Wang*. “Identification of Two Novel O2-Conotoxins from Conus generalis”. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics2015,21(1):81-89. (*co-corresponding authors). Aiping Lu, Longjin Yang, Shaoqiong Xu, Chunguang Wang. “Various conotoxin diversifications revealed by a venomic study of Conus flavidus”. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2014, 13(1):105-118. Aiping Lu, Alexandre Zougman, Marek Pude?ko, Marek B?benek, Piotr Zió?kowski, Matthias Mann, and Jacek R. Wi?niewski. “Mapping of Lysine Monomethylation of Linker Histones in Human Breast Cancer”. Journal of Proteome Research, 2009, 8(9):4207-15. Aiping Lu, Jacek R. Wi?niewski, and Matthias Mann. “Comparative Proteomic Profiling of membrane Proteins in Rat Cerebellum, Spinal Cord, and Sciatic Nerve”. Journal of Proteome Research, 2009, 8(5):2418-25. Nagarjuna Nagaraj#, Aiping Lu#, Matthias Mann, and Jacek R. Wi?niewski. “Detergent-based but Gel-free Method Allows Identification of Several Hundred Membrane Proteins in Single MS Runs”. Journal of Proteome Research, 2008, 7(11):5028-32. (#并列第一作者) Aiping Lu, Leonie F. Waanders, Reinaldo Almeida, Guoqing Li, Mark Allen , Jürgen Cox, Jesper V. Olsen, Tiziana Bonaldi and Matthias Mann. “Nanoelectrospray peptide mapping revisited: Composite survey spectra allow high dynamic range protein characterization without LCMS on an orbitrap mass spectrometer”. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2007,268:158-67.
