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Following a degree in Natural Sciences and a Masters in Engineering (Ingenieur Agronome, Agrotech Paris), I worked in Research & Development in an industrial context (Danone Belgium). I then embarked on a PhD in Landscape Ecology working in Ukraine and France, and developed my research increasingly using freshwater ecosystems as a model during a 10 year lectureship in France (Rouen). With the support of the Daphne Jackson charity, a charity established to help women back into science, I obtained 3 independent research fellowships after my career break, before being recently awarded a senior lectureship in Cardiff School of Biosciences. In turn, over the past 5 years in Cardiff, I have had the chance to contribute to academic and public life through involvement in: Working groups on biodiversity and ecosystem services, for example by joining the Ecosystem Service Partnership steering committee (ESP), contributing to two chapters of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment, and to the Future Earth working group on biodiversity monitoring. Peer reviewing processes for example as part of the NERC peer-review college, NERC and Horizon 2020 panels, and journal associate editorship of the International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. Training and mentoring of early career researchers


Freshwaters are hot spots of biodiversity and also vital natural resources on which human well-being depends. However, multiple and often conflicting uses of these waters and their catchments have significantly degraded freshwater ecosystems worldwide. Evidence and tools are urgently needed to guide the management of freshwaters and their catchments within safe environmental limits. Using an ecosystem approach, my work blends large scale empirical analysis with smaller scale in-situ manipulations, to address pressing questions on: The role of river biodiversity in sustaining key ecosystem services The role of landscape processes in regulating freshwater biodiversity The impact of global changes on freshwater ecosystem


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Hildrew, A. G., Durance, I. and Statzner, B. 2017. Persistence in the longitudinal distribution of lotic insects in a changing climate: a tale of two rivers. Science of the Total Environment 574, pp. 1294-1304. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.07.212) pdf Woodward, G.et al. 2016. The effects of climatic fluctuations and extreme events on running water ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 371(1694), article number: 20150274. (10.1098/rstb.2015.0274) pdf Woodward, G.et al. 2016. The effects of climatic fluctuations and extreme events on running water ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 371(1694), article number: 20150274. (10.1098/rstb.2015.0274) pdf Durance, I.et al. 2016. The challenges of linking ecosystem services to biodiversity. Advances in Ecological Research 54, pp. 87-134. (10.1016/bs.aecr.2015.10.003) Verberk, W.et al. 2016. Field and laboratory studies reveal interacting effects of stream oxygenation and warming on aquatic ectotherma. Global Change Biology 22(5), pp. 1769-1778. (10.1111/gcb.13240) pdf Mulder, C.et al. 2015. 10 years later: revisiting priorities for science and society a decade after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Advances in Ecological Research 53, pp. 1-53. (10.1016/bs.aecr.2015.10.005) Watts, G.et al. 2015. Climate change and water in the UK - past changes and future prospects. Progress in Physical Geography 39(1), pp. 6-28. (10.1177/0309133314542957) pdf Morrissey, C.et al. 2014. Developmental impairment in eurasian dipper nestlings exposed to urban stream pollutants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(6), pp. 1315-1323. (10.1002/etc.2555) Raffaelli, D.et al. 2014. Big Data and ecosystem research programmes. Advances in Ecological Research 51, pp. 41-77. (10.1016/B978-0-08-099970-8.00004-X) Merrix-Jones, F.et al. 2013. Spatial structure in the zooplankton of a newly formed and heavily disturbed urban lake. Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 183(1), pp. 1-14. (10.1127/1863-9135/2013/0459)
