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2017年6月博士毕业于上海交通大学土木工程专业(“优秀博士毕业生”)。2015年9月-2016年9月受国家公派至美国马里兰大学环境与能源研究中心(CEEE, University of Maryland)进行访问学习。2017年12月进入东华大学环境学院土木工程系工作至今(任学科发展秘书)。主要从事①建筑节能(高效溶液除湿技术)、②室内浮游菌体净化与易感人群(儿童、老人)健康等相关研究。先后主持上海市科技英才扬帆计划、中国博士后基金(一等资助)等课题,并曾参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、青年项目,美国能源部APAR-E项目(1197-1521)等重要纵向课题,以及中国船舶工业集团、美的集团等合作项目。近五年,在Applied Energy(IF 8.426)、Energy(IF 5.537)、Energy and Buildings(IF 4.495)、Science and Technology for the Built Environment、Ocean Engineering等权威期刊及国际会议发表论文20余篇(其中,SCI一作8篇),申请或授权发明专利(软件著作权)4项。目前是中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会青年委员会会员。教育与工作经历: 2017-至今 讲师,东华大学,环境学院土木工程系 2015-2016 联合培养博士,美国马里兰大学(College Park),CEEE 2011-2017 博士,上海交通大学,土木工程(“优秀博士毕业生”) 2007-2011 学士,西安交通大学,建筑环境与设备工程(“优秀毕业生”)


①室内/空调系统浮游菌体净化新技术与易感人群健康; ②建筑节能(低品位能源利用与高效溶液除湿技术);


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zili Yang, Ruiyang Tao, Hui Ni, Ke Zhong*, Zhiwei Lian, Performance study of the internally-cooled ultrasonic atomization liquid desiccant dehumidification system, Energy, 2019. (SCI) Zili Yang, Zhiwei Lian*,Yuhui An, Anyang Chen, Jing Xiong, Zhixin Miao, Feasibility study on applying the mist evaporation cooling for capacity improvement of ultra-large container ships for loading reefers, OceanEngineering, 2018, (SCI) Zili Yang, Kaisheng Zhang, Zhiwei Lian*, Analysis on the performance sensitivity and stability of the ultrasonic atomization liquid desiccant regeneration system, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, (former HVAC& R.) 23.2 (2017): 307-323. (SCI) Zili Yang, Kaisheng Zhang, Yunho Hwang, Zhiwei Lian*, Performance investigation on the ultrasonic atomization liquid desiccant regeneration system, AppliedEnergy,171(2016) 12-25. (SCI) Zili Yang, Kaisheng Zhang, Zhiwei Lian, Huibo Zhang*, Sensitivity and stability analysis on the performance of ultrasonic atomization liquid desiccant dehumidification system, Energy, 112(2016)1169-1183. (SCI) Zili Yang, Zhiwei Lian*, Xi Li, Kaisheng Zhang, Concept of dehumidification perfectness and its potential applications, Energy 91 (2015) 176-191. (SCI) Zili Yang, Beibei Lin, Kaisheng Zhang, Zhiwei Lian*, Experimental study on mass transfer performances of the ultrasonic atomization liquid desiccant dehumidification system, EnergyandBuildings 93 (0) (2015) 126-136. (SCI) Zili Yang, Kaisheng Zhang, Menghao Yang, Zhiwei Lian*, Improvement of the ultrasonic atomization liquid desiccant dehumidification system, EnergyandBuildings 85 (0) (2014) 145-154. (SCI) Zili Yang, Zhiwei Lian*, Kaisheng Zhang, Study on the Operational Economy of the Ultrasonic Atomization Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification System, ProcediaEngineering, 205 (2017): 2879-2886. (EI) Zili Yang, Kaisheng Zhang, Zhiwei Lian*, Analysis on the significance of effects from operational conditions on the performances of ultrasonic atomization dehumidifier with liquid desicccant, ProcediaEngineering, 121(2015) 89-94. (EI)
