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1997年、2000年、2003年在兰州大学理论物理专业分别获得学士、硕士、博士学位,期间先后师从赵书城教授和段一士教授攻读硕士、博士研究生。2004年作为兰州大学“萃英人才建设计划”引进人员留兰大工作,并继承赵书城教授主持一项国家自然科学基金项目。2010年10月至2011年10月在美国哈佛大学物理系访问。2011年11月至2012年10月在哈佛大学数学系进行博士后工作。主讲研究生和本科生《量子场论》、《量子力学》、《微分几何与拓扑》等课程。研究方向为拓扑规范场论和广义相对论。在Φ-映射拓扑流理论、磁斯格明子、宇宙弦、暗能量、黑洞、p-膜拓扑规范场论等科研领域发表SCI论文60 余篇。总被引一千多次,其中 2008年发表在Phys. Lett. B 、Class.Quant.Grav. 和 Eur. Phys. J. C上的三篇文章分别被引一百六十多次、一百一十多次和一百一十多次, 在Class.Quant.Grav.的被选为当年亮点文章。作为会议秘书,成功主办2006年北京弦理论大会兰州分会、2007年兰州大学理论物理前沿研讨会、2008年中国引力与相对论天体物理学会年会。多次担任物理隆基班和物理萃英班班主任,并荣获兰州大学2007-2008年度、2014-2015年度优秀班主任。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Acceleration of particles in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton black holes Mao, Pu-Jian; Li, Ran(*); Jia, Lin-Yu; Ren Ji-Rong CHINESE PHYSICS C, 2017.6, 41(6) ; 2. The inner topological structure and defect control of magnetic skyrmions Ren Ji-Rong; Yu, Zhong-Xi(*) PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2017.10.25, 381(40): 3493~3498 ; 3. Fermions Tunnelling with Quantum Gravity Correction LiuZhen-Yu(柳振雨);* Ren Ji-Rong(任继荣) Communications in Theoretical Physics, 62(6), pp 819-823, 2014/7/7. 4. Area and Entropy Spectrum of Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in de Sitter Space-Times for Black Hole Event Horizon Chen Qiang; Ren Ji-Rong(*) Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2013.4, 59(4): 425~428 ; 5. A note on the area spectrum of d-dimensional pure de Sitter Space-time Jia, Lin-Yu; Mao, Pu-Jian; Ren Ji-Rong(*) European Physical Journal C, 2011.1, 71(1): 15181~15184 ; 6. Fermions tunnelling from 5D general rotating charged Godel black hole Song, Shi-Xiong; Huang, Jiang; * Ren Ji-Rong Astrophysics and Space nce, 331(1), pp 145-149, 2011/1. 7. Hawking radiation of Dirac particles from the Myers-Perry black hole Mao, Pu-Jian; Li, Ran; Jia, Lin-Yu; * Ren Ji-Rong European Physical Journal C, 71(1), pp 165016-165028, 2011/1. 8. Hidden conformal symmetry of self-dual warped AdS(3) black holes in topological massive gravity Li, Ran; Li, Ming-Fan; * Ren Ji-Rong European Physical Journal C, 71(2), 2011/2. 9. Insights and possible resolution to the information loss paradox via the tunneling picture (vol 08, pg 089, 2010) *Singleton, Douglas; Vagenas, Elias C.; Zhu, Tao; Ren Ji-Rong Journal of High Energy Physics, 1期, 2011/1. 10. Quasinormal modes of self-dual warped AdS(3) black hole in topological massive gravity *Li, Ran; * Ren Ji-Rong Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 83(6), 2011/3/16. 11. SEPARABILITY OF THE MASSIVE DIRAC EQUATION AND HAWKING RADIATION OF DIRAC PARTICLES IN THE CHARGED AdS-KERR-TAUB-NUT BLACK HOLE Mao, Pu-Jian; Jia, Lin-Yu; * Ren Ji-Rong Modern Physics Letters A, 26(20), pp 1509-1520, 2011/6/28. 12. Area Spectrum of D-Dimensional Large Schwarzschild-AdS Black Hole from Asymptotic Quasinormal Modes Ren Ji-Rong; Song Shi-Xiong; Wei Shao-Wen Communications in Theoretical Physics, 53(6), pp 1097-1099, 2010/6. 13. Entropy of Kaluza-Klein black hole from Kerr/CFT correspondence . Li, Ran; Li, Ming-Fan; * Ren Ji-Rong Physics Letters B, 691(5), pp 249-253, 2010/8/9. 14. Entropy of Sonic Black Hole in the Brick Wall Approach Song, Shi-Xiong; Ren Ji-Rong International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 49(9), pp 2028-2034, 2010/9. 15. ENTROPY QUANTIZATION OF D-DIMENSIONAL GAUSS-BONNET BLACK HOLES Ren Ji-Rong; Jia, Lin-Yu; Mao, Pu-Jian Modern Physics Letters A, 25(30), pp 2599-2609, 2010/9/28. 16. Hawking black body spectrum of g del black hole from tunneling mechanism Ren Ji-Rong; Mao, Pu-Jian; Li, Ran; Zhu, Tao; Jia, Lin-Yu Modern Physics Letters A, 25(25), pp 2167-2181, 2010/8/20. 17. Hawking-like radiation as tunneling from the apparent horizon in an frw universe Zhu, Tao; * Ren Ji-Rong; Singleton, Douglas International Journal of Modern Physics D, 19(2), pp 159-169, 2010/2. 18. Hawking-like Radiation in a FRW Universe Zhu, Tao(*), Ren Ji-Rong,Singleton, Douglas Invisible Universe International Conference, 2009, pp 677-683, Palace UNESCO, Paris, FRANCE, 2010 ; ISTP 19. Hawking radiation of the fermionic field and anomaly in (2+1)-dimensional black holes . Li, Ran; Li, Shi; Ren Ji-Rong(*) Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2010.8.7, 27(15) ;
