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教育经历: 2004年9月-2007年6月:中国科学院动物研究所,理学博士学位 1997年9月-2000年6月:四川师范学院生物系,理学硕士学位 1993年9月-1997年6月:四川师范学院生物系,理学学士学位 工作经历: 2008年7月至今:华中师范大学生命科学学院,讲师、副教授、教授 2012年3月-2013年3月:美国威尔克斯大学(Wilkes University),派访问学者 2000年7月-2008年6月:华中农业大学水产学院,助教,讲师


动植物种间互作网络与群落稳定机制:涉及啮齿动物、鸟类、昆虫、微生物、植物之间基于种子取食和扩散的相互关系,动植物种间互作网络与群落稳定性机制 鼠类行为生态学:涉及鼠类的食物贮藏、盗食与反盗食、空间记忆与适应性进化,以及农田、森林生态系统鼠类监测,鼠害爆发机制与防控等 野生动物资源与保护:动物资源调查、监测及生态环境影响评估等


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Michael AS*, Yi XF, Zhang HM. 2018. Plant‐animal interactions: patterns and mechanisms in terrestrial ecosystems. Integrative Zoology, 13: 225-227. 2. Niu HY, Xing JJ, Zhang HM*, Wang D, Wang X. 2018. Roads limit of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment of Quercus chenii in an urban hillside forest. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 30:307-314. 3. Li Y, Zhang DY, Zhang HM, Wang ZY, Yi XF*. 2018. Scatter-hoarding animal places more memory on caches with weak odor. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72:53. 4. Yu Q#, Zhang HM#, Li Y, Liu C, Wang SH*, Liao XM*. 2018. UCH-L1 inhibition suppresses tau aggresome formation during proteasomal impairment. Molecular Neurobiology, 55:3812-3821. 5. Zhang HM*, Chu W, Zhang ZB, Wang W. 2017. Cultivated walnut trees showed earlier but not final advantage over its wild relatives in competing for seed dispersers. Integrative Zoology, 12:12-25. 6. Zhang HM*, Yan C, Chang G, Zhang ZB*. 2016. Seed trait-mediated selection by rodents affects mutualistic interactions and seedling recruitment of co-occurring tree species. Oecologia, 180(2), 475-484. 7. Zhang HM*, Wang ZZ, Zeng QH, Chang G, Wang ZY, Zhang ZB. 2015. Mutualistic and predatory interactions are driven by rodent body size and seed traits in a rodent-seed system in warm-temperate forest in northern China. Wildlife Research, 42:149-157. 8. Luo Y, Yang Z, Steele MA, Zhang ZB, Stratford JA, Zhang HM*. 2014. Hoarding without reward: rodent responses to repeated episodes of complete cache loss. Behavioural Processes, 106: 36-43. 9. Zhang HM*, Steele MA, Zhang ZB, Wang W, Wang Y. 2014. Rapid sequestration and recaching by a scatter-hoarding rodent (Sciurotamias davidianus). Journal of Mammalogy, 95(3): 480-490. 10. Zhang HM*, Gao HY, Yang Z, Wang ZZ, Luo Y, Zhang ZB. 2014. Effects of interspecific competition on food hoarding and pilferage in two sympatric rodents. Behaviour. 151: 1579-1596. 11. Zhang HM, Luo Y, Steele MA, Yang Z, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2013. Rodent-favored cache sites do not favor seedling establishment of shade-intolerant wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca Linn.) in northern China. Plant Ecology, 214(4): 531-543. 12. Sun SJ, Zhang HM*. 2013. Caches sites preferred by small rodents facilitate cache survival in a subtropical primary forest, central China. Wildlife Research, 40(4): 294-302. 13. Zhang HM, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2011. Responses of seed-hoarding behaviour to conspecific audiences in scatter- and/or larder-hoarding rodents. Behaviour, 148: 825-842. 14. Zhang HM*, Wang Y. 2011. Differences in hoarding behavior between captive and wild sympatric rodent species. Current Zoology, 57: 725-730. 15. Huang ZY, Wang Y, Zhang HM*, Wu FQ, Zhang ZB. 2011. Behavioral responses of sympatric rodents to complete pilferage. Animal Behaviour, 81: 831-836. 16. Cheng JR, Zhang HM*. 2011. Seed-hoarding of Edward’s long-tailed rats (Leopoldamys edwardsi) in response to weevil infestation in Cork oak (Quercus variabilis). Current Zoology, 57(1): 50-55. 17. Zhang HM, Wang Y, Zhang ZB*. 2009. Domestic goat grazing disturbance enhances tree seed removal and caching by small rodents in a warm-temperate deciduous forest in China. Wildlife Research, 36: 610-616. 18. Zhang HM, Cheng JR, Xiao ZS, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Effects of seed abundance on seed scatter-hoarding of Edward’s rat (Leopoldamys edwardsi Muridae) at individual level. Oecologia, 158: 57-63. 19. Zhang HM, Chen Y, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Differences of dispersal fitness of large and small acorns of Liaodong oak (Quercus liaotungensis) before and after seed caching by small rodents in a warm temperate forest, China. Forest Ecology and Management, 255: 1243-1250. 20. Zhang HM, Zhang ZB*. 2008. Endocarp thickness affects seed removal speed by small rodents in a warm-temperate broad-leafed deciduous forest, China. Acta Oecologica, 34: 285-293.
