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教育经历(Education): 博士:2006年9月~2011年7月,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,自然地理学专业。(Sep 2006–Jul 2011, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Physical geography Ph.D) 本科:2002年9月~2006年7月,内蒙古师范大学,地理科学专业。(Sep 2002– Jul 2006, Inner Mongolian Normal University, Geography, B.Sc) 工作经历(Research experience): 2011年7月~2015年7月,内蒙古大学,环境与资源学院,讲师。(Jul 2011– Jul 2015, Lecturer, College of Environment and Resources, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China) 2015年7月~至今,内蒙古大学,生态与环境学院,副教授。(Jul 2015-Present, A. Prof., School of Ecology & Environment, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China) 2015年9月~2016年8月,德国科隆大学,地球物理与气象研究所,访问学者。(Sep 2015-Aug 2016, Visiting Scholar, Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)


土壤侵蚀模型(Soil erosion) 大气颗粒物空间过程数值模拟(Numerical simulation of dust transport) 生态恢复(Ecological restoration) 生态水文过程(Ecological hydrological process)


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Dongwei Liu,Masahide Ishizuka, Masao Mikami, Yaping Shao, Turbulent characteristics of saltation and uncertainty of saltation model parameters, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2018, 18(10): 18, 7595-7606, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-7595-2018. Lijing Han, Dongwei Liu*, Guochuai Cheng, Guangchuang Zhang, Lixin Wang. SpatialdistributionandgenesisofsaltonthesalineplayaatQehanLake, InnerMongolia,China[J]. Catena, 2019, 177, 22-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2019.01.040 Dongwei Liu, Jilili Abuduwaili, Lixin Wang. Salt dust storm in the Ebinur Lake region: its 50-year dynamic changes and response to climate changes and human activities[J].Natural Hazards, 2015, 77(2): 1069-1080. Dongwei Liu, Jilili Abuduwaili, Jiaqiang Lei, et al. Deposition rate and chemical composition of the aeolian dust from a bare saline playa, Ebinur Lake, Xinjiang, China[J]. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2011, 218(1-4): 175-184. Dongwei Liu, Jilili Abuduwaili, Jiaqiang Lei, et al. Wind erosion of saline playa sediments and its ecological effects in Ebinur Lake, Xinjiang, China[J]. Environ Earth Sci, 2011, 63(2): 241-250. Dongwei Liu, Jilili Abuduwaili. Wind erosion at a saline playa environment, Ebinur Lake, Xinjiang, China—A case study on the source of saline dust storm. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 260-261: 1003-1008. 程国帅,刘东伟*,温璐,刘华民,董少刚,王立新.干涸盐湖地下水和土壤化学属性对自然植被分布的控制作用[J/OL].干旱区研究:1-11[2018-12-29].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/65.1095.X.20181115.1558.008.html. 寇欣,刘华民,王奇,于晓雯,梁存柱,刘东伟,卓义,温璐,王立新.锡林河中游放牧的和被围封的湿草甸土壤理化性质研究[J].湿地科学,2018,16(05):626-634. 郜燕芳,李俊明,刘东伟*,任周鹏,王楠楠.基于随机森林模型的城市不透水面提取研究——以呼和浩特市为例[J].冰川冻土,2018,40(04):828-836. 吴冰,郜燕芳,刘东伟*,刘华民,王立新.葵花和玉米叶片对盐碱粉尘沉降的生理响应[J].干旱区资源与环境,2018,32(10):184-190. 周媛,郝艳玲,刘东伟,崔廷伟,于瑞宏,张志磊.基于Landsat 8影像的黄河口悬浮物质量浓度遥感反演[J].海洋学研究,2018,36(01):35-45. 吴冰,刘东伟*,刘华民,王立新,卓义.蒙古高原风蚀颗粒物空间过程数值模拟及预报[J].干旱区地理,2018,41(02):334-341. 郜燕芳,刘东伟*,刘华民,王立新.大气污染与先天性心脏病关系的研究进展[J].环境与职业医学,2017,34(12):1111-1116+1122.
