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教育 情况 1979.09—1986.07 内蒙古大学物理系学习 1997.09—2001.07内蒙古大学理论物理专业攻读博士研究生 工作经历 1986.07—2001.03 内蒙古大学物理系教师 副教授(1994),教授(1999) 2001.03—2007.05 内蒙古大学科技处处长 2004.11—2005.05 加拿大麦克马斯特大学做高级访问学者 2006.03—2006.07 内蒙古党校中青班学习 2007.05—2013.04 内蒙古师范大学党委委员、副校长 2013.04— 内蒙古师范大学党委副书记、校长 教学 主讲《力学》、《热学》、《光学》、《电磁学》、《量子力学》和《高等数学》等本科基础课程,和《铁磁学理论》、《凝聚态物理学前沿问题》、《群论》、《高等量子力学》和《量子场论》等研究生专业课程。 培养研究生情况 截止2016年指导毕业博士9人,毕业硕士18人。 现有在读博士研究生5人,在读硕士1人 目前主持完成的各类科研项目: 1、教育部重点项目“应力条件下纳米磁性材料中的磁致伸缩效应及其物性研究” 2、国家自然科学基金项目“微纳米磁性多层膜的力学与磁学性质研究” 3、国家自然科学基金项目“微纳米磁致伸缩/压电多层膜的力磁电学性质研究” 4、国家自然科学基金项目“海森堡链模型中的磁激发机制和热力学研究” 5、国家自然科学基金项目“凝聚态物理学研究生暑期学校” 6、主持完成高校博士点基金项目多项。 奖励、荣誉和学术兼职 获奖、荣誉 1、1994年获国家教育部霍英东教育基金奖(第四届) 2、1996年获首届内蒙古青年科技奖 3、1996年被授予内蒙古自治区“优秀青年”称号 4、1999年度荣获内蒙古自治区《基础物理学》“优秀示范课程”奖励和上海宝钢教育奖; 5、2003年被评为内蒙古中青年有突出贡献专家 6、2004年荣获内蒙古自治区有突出贡献中青年专家称号; 7、2005年入选国家教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 8、2005年荣获自治区教学成果二等奖 9、2005入选国家教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。 10、2008年享受国务院特殊津贴 11、2010年获内蒙古自治区自然科学二等奖 出版专著 [1] 郭子政,云国宏著 《那么小,那么大——为什么我们需要纳米技术?》,清华大学出版社,2015年。 [2] 侯伯元,云国宏,杨站营著 《路径积分与量子物理导引——现代高等量子力学》,科学出版社,2008年。


凝聚态物理 目前主要研究: 1、微纳米磁性材料方向的理论研究 2、微纳米磁致伸缩薄膜/基底悬臂梁结构


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[1]Xiao Lei, B Narsu, Guohong Yun, Jiangang Li and Haiyan Yao." Axial buckling and transverse vibration of ultrathin nanowires: low symmetry and surface elastic effect ." J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2016 49: 175305- 175313. (IF=2.721) [2]Jun Ai, Lu Ga,Guohong Yun, " Highly selective detection of Mercury (II) using a G‑rich oligonucleotide‑based fluorescence quenching Method ", J IRAN CHEM SOC (2016) 13:991–997. (IF: 2.215) [3]Jun Ai, Jing Li, Lu Ga, Guohong Yun, Li Xu , Erkang Wang," Multifunctional Near-Infrared Fluorescent Nanoclusters for Simultaneous Targeted Cancer Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2016 222, 918-922. (IF: 4.758) [4]Jun Ai, Jing Li, Lu Ga, Guohong Yun, Erkang Wang,"G-quadruplex/protopor -phyrin IX-functionalized silver nanoconjugates for targeted cancer cellPhotodynamic therapy", RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 96942–96945. (IF: 3.289) [5] Lei Zhang, Jianhong Rong, Guohong Yun, Dong Wang, lingbo Bao, " The variation of linewidth in exchange coupled bilayer films with stress anisotropy", Physica B 502(2016)5-10 (IF 1.352) [6] Lei Zhang,Jianhong Rong, Guohong Yun, Dong Wang and Lingbo Bao, "Ferromagnetic resonance in exchange coupled bilayer films with stress anisotropy " Mater. Res. Express 3(2016)076101 (IF 0.968) [7] Jiangang Li,B Narsu,Guohong Yun and Haiyan Yao,"Elasticity theory of ultrathin nanofilms."J.Phys D:Appl. Phys.48(2015) 285301.(IF 2.772) [8] Man Xi , Guohong Yun, B. Narsu ,"A mathematical model on stress– strain of the epimysium of skeletal muscles." Journal of Theoretical Biology, 365 (2015) 175–180.(IF 2.116) [9] Jiangang Li,Narsu Bai,Guohong Yun,Haiyan Yao. "Elasticity theory of ultrathin nanofilms."Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48.28 (2015): 285301.(IF 2.772) [10] Baocang Liu, Yuefang Niu,Yan Li,Fan Yang, Jiamin Guo,Qin Wang, Peng Jing,Jun Zhang,Guohong Yun. "A mesoporous “shell-in-shell” structured nanocatalyst with large surface area, enhanced synergy, and improved catalytic performance for Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reaction." Chemical Communications 50.82 (2014): 12356-12359.(IF 6.567) [11] Lian-He, Li, and Yun Guo-Hong. "Elastic fields around a nanosized elliptic hole in decagonal quasicrystals." Chinese Physics B 23.10 (2014): 106104.(IF 1.436) [12] Li, Lian-He, and Guo-Hong Yun. "Thermal stress analysis for octagonal quasicrystals." Journal of Thermal Stresses 37.4 (2014): 429-439.(IF 1.211) [13] Hui, Yang, Yun Guo-Hong, and Cao Yong-Jun. "Effects of rotating noncircular scatterers on spin-wave band gaps of two-dimensional magnonic crystals."Chinese Physics B 23.9 (2014): 097501.(IF 1.436) [14] Xiao Tian, Guohong Yun, Hongyu Wang, Tao Shang, Zhanquan Yao, Wei Wei, Xixia Liang,“Preparation and electrochemical properties of LaeMgeNi-based La0.75Mg0.25Ni3.3Co0.5 multiphase hydrogen storage alloy as negative material of Ni/MH battery.” international journal of hydrogen energy 39(2014) 8474-8481.(IF 2.930) [15] Hui Yang, Guohong Yun, Yongjun Cao,“Effects of point defect shapes on defect modes in two-dimensional magnonic crystals.” Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 9 (2014) 097501. (IF 1.436) [16] Yao Hai-Yan, Yun Guo-Hong, and Fan Wen-Liang,“Size effect of the elastic modulus of rectangular nanobeams: Surface elasticity effect.” Chin. Phys. B,22(10) 106201-1-5 (2013) (IF 1.436) [17] Lu, Qingshan, Guohong Yun,Wenping Zhou,Jiangong Li,. "Existing form of zinc oxide and phase transformation for zinc oxide encapsulated in mesoporous silica." Journal of Materials Science & Technology 29.9 (2013): 841-845.(IF 2.267) [18] Lu, Qingshan, and Guohong Yun. "Facile one-step solid-state reaction route to synthesize ordered mesoporous β-Zn 2 SiO 4–SiO 2 nanocomposites."Ceramics International 39.4 (2013): 3533-3538.(IF 2.758) [19] Lu, Qingshan,Guohong Yun,Qiang Tian,WenPing Zhou. "In situ co-assembly synthesis of zinc oxide encapsulated in mesoporous silica." Materials Letters 93 (2013): 12-14.(IF 2.437) [20] Yang, Hui, Guohong Yun, and Yongjun Cao. "Coupling characteristics of point defects modes in two-dimensional magnonic crystals." Journal of Applied Physics 112.10 (2012): 103911.(IF 2.101) [21] Yao, Haiyan, Guohong Yun, and Narsu Bai. "Influence of exponentially increasing surface elasticity on the piezoelectric potential of a bent ZnO nanowire." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45.28 (2012): 285304.(IF 2.772) [22] Yao, Haiyan,Guohong Yun, Narsu Bai, and Jiangang Li. "Effect of surface elasticity on the piezoelectric potential of a bent ZnO nanowire." Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 51.7R (2012): 075001.(IF 1.122) [23] Yao, Haiyan, and Guohong Yun. "The effect of nonuniform surface elasticity on buckling of ZnO nanowires." Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 44.9 (2012): 1916-1919.(IF 1.904) [24] Yao, Haiyan,Guohong Yun,Narsu Bai,and Jiangang Li. "Surface elasticity effect on the size-dependent elastic property of nanowires." Journal of Applied Physics 111.8 (2012): 083506.(IF 2.101) [25] Yang, Hui, Guohong Yun, and Yongjun Cao. "Point defect states of exchange spin waves in all-ferromagnetic two-dimensional magnonic crystals." Journal of Applied Physics 111.1 (2012): 013908.(IF 2.101) [26] Yang, Hui, Guohong Yun, and Yongjun Cao. "Spin-wave band gaps created by rotating square rods in two-dimensional magnonic crystals." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44.45 (2011): 455001.(IF 2.772) [27] Yong-Jun, Cao, and Narsu Yun Guo-Hong. "Band-structure calculations of two-dimesional magnonic crystals with plane-wave expansion method."ACTA PHYSICA SINICA (2011): 77502-077502.(IF 0.677) [28] Xiao-Juan, Hou,Yun Guo-Hong,Bai Yu-Hao,Narsu Bai,Zhou Wen-Ping."The eigenvalues of quantized spin waves and theeffect of the uniaxial anisotropy." Acta Phys.Sin.(2011): 56805-056805.(IF 0.677) [29] Cao, Yongjun,Yun Guo-Hong,Narsu."Band structures of two-dimensional magnonic crystals with different shapes and arrangements of scatterers." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43.30 (2010): 305005.(IF 2.772) [30] Bai, Yuhao, Guohong Yun, and Narsu Bai. "The jump phenomenon in the angular dependence of the off-aligned exchange bias." Journal of Applied Physics 107.3 (2010): 033905.(IF 2.101) [31] Xiao Juan Hou, Guo Hong Yun, Yu Hao Bai, Narsu Bai and Wen Ping Zhou , “The energy bands of quantized spin waves and the uniaxial anisotropy in a biferromagnetic system.” J. Eur. Phys. B. 78, 111(2010)(IF 1.3) [32] Xiao Juan Hou, Guo Hong Yun, Yu Hao Bai, and Narsu Bai, “The Eigenvalues of Quantized Spin Waves and the Uniaxial Anisotropy in a Biferromagnetic System.” PIERS Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 5-8, 2010, 327 (ISTP) [33] Wu, Xiaoxia, Gou Hong Yun,Narsu Bai. "Energy Band of Spin Waves in Ferromagnetic Bilayers with bcc Structures." Session 2A7: 301. [34] Bai, YuHao, and GuoHong Yun. "Exchange bias for ferromagnetic/ antiferromagnetic bilayers with the uniaxial anisotropy being misaligned with the exchange anisotropy." Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 52.12 (2009): 1885-1892.(IF 1.575) [35] Liu, Jian, Guohong Yun, and Meiling Su. "Crystal microstructure, infrared absorption, and microwave electromagnetic properties of (La1− x Dy x) 2/3Sr1/3MnO3." Rare Metals 28.5 (2009): 494-499.(IF 0.957) [36] Bai, Yuhao, Guohong Yun, and Narsu Bai. "The jump phenomenon in the angular dependence of exchange bias for ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers." Journal of Applied Physics 106.6 (2009): 063919.(IF 2.101) [37] Narsu, Bai, and Guo Hong Yun. "Static torsion of a magnetostrictive bimorph with in-plane anisotropy." Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 60. Trans Tech Publications, 2009. [38] Narsu, B., and Guohong Yun. "Gradient Magnetostriction and Field Induced Deformation of a Magnetostrictive Cantilever."PIERS 2009 MOSCOW VOLS I AND II, PROCEEDINGS,(2009):1292-1297. [39] Bai, Yuhao, Guohong Yun, and B. Narsu. "Angular Dependence of the Exchange Bias with the Uniaxial Anisotropy Perpendicular to the Unidirectional Anisotropy."PIERS 2009 MOSCOW VOLS I AND II, PROCEEDINGS, (2009): 1302-1306. [40] Guo Hong Yun, B. Narsu. "Modeling of Bimorph Type Cantilever for Actuators." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44.11 (2008): 3032-3035.(IF 1.277) [41] Bai, Narsu, and GuoHong Yun. "Analysis of film strain and stress in a film-substrate cantilever system." Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 51.9 (2008): 1357-1366.(IF 1.575) [42] Narsu, B., and Guohong Yun. "Modelling of the magnetostrictive trilayer cantilever for actuators." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41.9 (2008): 095309.(IF 2.772) [43] Wen Ping Zhou, Guo Hong Yun and Xi Xia Liang. "Spin waves modulated in a ferromagnetic bilayer system calculated using the interface rescaling approach." Phys. Rev. B, 2008,77(10):104403-1-6.(IF 3.5) [44] Narsu. B., GuoHong Yun, and JianHong Rong. "Design and optimization of cantilevered magnetostrictive film-substrate microactuator." Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 50.5 (2007): 683-693.(IF 1.441) [45] Jian-Hong, Rong, and Yun Guo-Hong. "Ferromagnetic resonance in ferromagnetic bilayer films under the stress anisotropy."Acta Phys.Sin.(2007): 5483-5488.(IF 0.677) [46] Narsu, B., and GuoHong Yun. "Bending characteristic of a cantilevered magnetostrictive film-substrate system." Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 50.4 (2007): 454-461.(IF 1.441) [47]Rong Jianhong, Yun Guohong, Narsu B, Sprung S D W "Ferromanetic resonance and stress anisotropy in a ferromagnetic /antiferromagnetic bilayer." J Appl. Phys.,2006,100( 8) : 083901-6.(IF 2.1) [48] Zhou W. P., Yun G.H. "The energy bands and the dispersion relations of the spin waves in a ferromagnetic bilayer system." Surf. Sci. (2004) 53, 75-81. (IF 1.931) [49] G. H. Yun, X. X. Liang."Conditions for the existence of interface spin waves in a biferromagnetic interface." Eur.Phys. B 35 (2003), 261-266.(IF 1.22) [50] Guo-Hong Yun, and Liang Xi-Xia. "Specific Heat of the Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain." Chinese Physics Letters 18.9 (2001): 1261.(IF 0.875) [51] G.H. Yun, J.H. Yan, S.L. Ban, X.X. Liang, "Properties of perfect confined modes and interface modes of spin-waves in a ferromagnetic bilayer system."Surf. Sci. (1994) 318, 177-186. (IF 1.931) [52] Yun G H , Yan J H, Ban S L. "Interface-rescaling approach to the exact solut ions of quantum low -energyeigen problems for a ferromagnetic bilay er system". Phy s. Rev. B, 1992, 46: 12 045~12048. (IF 3.5)


1、中国微米纳米科学与技术学会常务理事 2、中国纳米科学与技术分会理事 3、内蒙古自治区纳米科学与技术重点实验室主任 4、2015年担任国际IEEE磁学协会北京专业委员会主席 5、中国宗教学会副会长。
