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1.       Wang FS. Impact of a large sub-tropical reservoir on the cycling of nutrients in a river. Water Research, 2020,186(8):1-11

2.       Yue YH, Wang FS, Fu ZW, et al., Differential response of microbial diversity and abundance to hydrological residual time and age in cascade reservoirs, JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS,2021,21(2):1290-1301

3.       Yue YH,Cai L,Tang Y,Zhang YY,Yang M and Wang Fushun. Vertical distribution of bacterial community in water columns of reservoirs ,with different trophic conditions during thermal stratification,Frontiers of Environmental Science ,2021. DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2021.632089

4.       Fan XY, Yue YH, Mei L, Li XY, Hu ZH, Luo JJ, Liu L , Wang FS. Coupling effects of hydrological characteristics and nutrient load in sediments on the trophic state of reservoirs[J]. Acta Geochimica , 2021, DOI : 10.1007/s11631-021-00478-y

5.       T.-Y. ChengT. ZhouY. QinP. WaiwaiF.-S. Wang.Characters and sources of dissolved inorganic carbon isotope in channel reservoir: A case of Wanan Reservoir.Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2018, 37(3):661-666.

6.       T ZhouTY ChengNX YuFS Wang.Nitrogen and phosphorus retention in cascade reservoirs along the upper reaches of Wujiang River.Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2018, 37(3):707-713.

7.       C. LiB. DengF.- S. WangZ. Zhou.Study on hydrodynamic characteristics of Caotang Bay in Three Gorges Reservoir area.Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources, 2018, 38(2):49-56.

8.       X. Lü,X.-L. LiuJ. LiL. BaiZ.-L. Wang.Advances in studies on nitrous oxide (N2O) emission in the reservoirs under the background of river impoundment.Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2018, 37(3):613-623.

9.       Fushun Wang, et al,. (2011) Carbon dioxide emission from surface water in cascade reservoirse river system on the Maotiao River, southwest of China. Atmospheric Environment 45 :3827-3834

10.     Fushun Wang, et al., (2011) Disrupting the riverine DIC cycling by series hydropower exploitation in Karstic area. Applied Geochemistry. 26: 375378

11.     Fushun Wang, et al. Dissolved silicate retention and transport in cascade reservoirs in Karst area, Southwest China. Science of total environment. 2010, 408(7):1667-75.

12.     Si-Liang Li, C Liu, J Li, X Liu, B Chetelat, B and Fushun Wang. Assessment of the Sources of Nitrate in the Changjiang River, China Using a Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Approach. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (5), pp 15731578

13.     Wei X G, Shen C D, Li N L, Wang FS et al. Apparent ages of suspended sediment and soil erosion of the Pearl River (Zhujiang) drainage basin. Chinese Sci Bull. 2010, 55, doi: 10.1007/s11434-010-0067-9

14.     WANG B., Liu C.-Q., WANG FS. Flow cytometric observation of picophytoplankton community structure in the cascade reservoirs along the Wujiang River, SW China. Journal of Limnology. 2009, 68(1): 53-63.

15.     FuShun Wang, et al. Stable Isotopes in Sedimentary Organic Matter from Lake Dianchi and their Indication of Eutrophication History. Water Air Soil Pollut. 2009,199: 159-170.

16.     Chen J.A., Wang F.S., Wan G.J., Tang D.G., Zhang D.D., Huang R.G., Li J. and Xiao T.F. δ13C-δ18O covariancean effective indicator of hydrological closure for lakes. Acta Geologica Sinica2008, 5: 975981

17.     YuanXiu Yu, CongQiang Liu , FuShun Wang. Dissolved inorganic carbon and its isotopic differentiation in cascade reservoirs in the Wujiang drainage basin. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2008. DOI 10.1007/s11434-008-0348-8.

18.     Baoli Wang, Cong-Qiang Liu, Fushun Wang, Yuanxiu Yu, Lihua Zhang. The distributions of autumn picoplankton in relation to environmental factors in the reservoirs along the Wujiang River in Guizhou Province, SW China. Hydrobiologia. 2007, DOI 10.1007/s10750-007-9138-6.

19.     Senlin Lu, Qixia Luan, Zheng Jiao, Minghong Wu, Zhen Li, Longyi Shao, Fushun Wang. Mineralogy of Inhalable Particulate Matter (PM10) in the Atmosphere of Beijing, China. Water Air Soil Pollut.. 2007, DOI 10.1007/s11270-007-9470-5.

20.     Fushun Wang, et al. Human impact on the historical change of CO2 degassing flux in River Changjiang. Geochemical Transactions. 2007, 8:7doi:10.1186/1467-4866-8-7.

21.     Wang Fushun, et al. A decade variation of COD in Changjiang and its trend analysis. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2007.26(4): 366-373.

22.     Wei ZQ, Liu CQ, Liang XB, Wang FS. Degradation of organic matter in the sediments of Hongfeng Reservoir. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN. 2005, 50 (20): 2377-2380

23.     LIANG XB, ZHU JM, LIU CQ, WEI ZHQ, WANG FS. Enzymatic and Microbial Degradation of Organic Matter in Lake Hongfeng, Guizhou Province, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2004, 23(01):81-88.

24.     WANG Fu-shun , LIU Cong-qiang, LIANG Xiao-bing,WEI Zhong-qing. Remobilization of Trace Metals Induced by Microbiological Activities near Sedimentwater Interface, Aha Lake, Guiyang. Chinese Science Bulletin, 20034821):2352-2356.

25.     WANG Fu-shun, WAN Guo-jiang, LIU Cong-qiang, XU Si-qin. The Correlation of Inorganic C, O Isotopic Values of Chenghai Lake Sediments and Its Environmental Implications, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2002, 21(2):186-192.

26.     Chen, Jing'an; Wan, Guojiang; Wang, Fushun; Huang, Ronggui; Zhang, Feng; Zhang, D.D. Schmidt, R. Environmental records of carbon in recent lake sediments. Science in China.2002, 45(10): 875-884.

27.     梅林, 范新怡, 岳一鸿, 刘留, 褚永胜, 汪福顺. 基于FTIR对水库沉积物中TOCTNBSi含量的快速测定[J].上海大学学报(自然科学版), 2021,2,227-235. doi: 10.12066/j.issn.1007-2861.2290.

28.     唐旖 岳一鸿 蔡灵 陈学萍 杨明 汪福顺河口区域古菌的研究进展[J]. 生态学杂志, 202140(4):1186-1197.

29.     岳一鸿傅志伟陈学萍杨明王宝利汪福顺;乌江流域某水库浮游藻类群落结构及多样性分析;2021271):97-105.

30.     [1]刘烨, 王玉洁, 汪福顺,梁霞陈学萍杨明马静. 多环芳烃在新安江河流-水库体系表层沉积物中的分布、来源及生态风险评估[J]. 上海大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 26(1)113-122.

31.     郝峰, 秦勇, 虞宁晓,汪福顺. 沉积物中生物硅快速测定的优化方法[J]. 地球与环境, 2019 ,47 (6) :864-869

32.     王洪波,邓兵,汪福顺,罗光富.三峡库区梅溪河河口干支流界面水流特征.水利水电科技进展, 2017, 37(003):42-48.

33.     贾晓斌罗文芸魏浩斌吴学谦汪福顺.新安江水库不同区域沉积物年代学特征;2017,36(3):443-449

34.     汪福顺王宝利吴学谦魏浩斌晓斌傅家楠周涛程天雨;中国南方河道型水库CO2释放研究.2017,5(01):47-54.

35.     王晓彤, 罗光富, 操满,. 库湾营养盐循环对三峡库区营养盐输运的影响:以草堂河为例[J]. 环境科学, 2016(8):2957-2963.

36.     魏浩斌,吴学谦,操满,傅家楠,贾晓斌,邓兵,汪福顺.三峡库区干流及库湾支流(朱衣河)夏季CO_2分压及扩散通量;2016,4(22):497-504.

37.     傅家楠操满邓兵周子然陈瑶党承华王雨春汪福顺.三峡库区高水位运行期典型干支流水体CO_2分压及其水面通量特征;地球与环境, 2016, 44(01):64-72.地球与环境, 2016, 44(01):64-72.

38.     钱慧君高洋操满傅家楠马静汪福顺.水坝拦截对新安江沉积物中磷、氮形态的影响.2015, 21(1):72-80.

39.     张东刘丛强汪福顺赵志琦.农业活动干扰下地下水无机碳循环过程研究.中国环境科学, 2015, 35(11):3359-3370.

40.     丁虎,刘丛强,郎赟超,李思亮,李晓东,汪福顺。河流水-气界面碳交换研究进展及趋势。2015,3(21)285-295.

41.     操满傅家楠周子然邓兵王雨春汪福顺;三峡库区典型干-支流相互作用过程中的营养盐交换:以梅溪河为例;环境科学, 2015, 36(004):1293-1300.

42.     吴学谦,操满,傅家楠,魏浩斌,贾晓斌,邓兵,汪福顺.三峡水库夏季干流、支流(草堂河)水体的二氧化碳分压及扩散通量. 2015, 21(3):311-318.

43.     王宝利刘丛强汪福顺刘小龙彭希赵颜创.乌江梯级水库碳氮耦合的生物地球化学循环.2015, 021(003):294-300.

44.     梅航远、汪福顺(通讯作者)* 姚臣谌. 万安水库春季二氧化碳分压的分布规律研究. 环境科学. 2011321):58-63.

45.     尹然、汪福顺(通讯作者)* 、梅航远. 乌江流域不同营养水平的梯级水库沉积物中磷形态特征. 生态学杂志. 2010. 29(1): 1-7.

46.     汪福顺、刘丛强、灌瑾,贵州阿哈水库沉积物中重金属二次污染的趋势分析. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009. 18(4):379-383.

47.     吴峰炜、汪福顺(通讯作者)*、 吴明红、尹然. 滇池、红枫湖沉积物中总磷、分态磷及生物硅形态与分布特征. 生态学杂志. 2009,28(1):88-94.

48.     刘丛强;汪福顺;王雨春;王宝利; 河流筑坝拦截的水环境响应——来自地球化学的视角. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009,18(4) :384-396

49.     李干蓉,刘丛强,,陈椽,王宝利,李军,李思亮,刘小龙, 汪福顺. 猫跳河流域梯级水库夏-秋季节溶解无机碳( DIC) 含量及其同位素组成的分布特征. 环境科学. 20093010):2891-2897.

50.     喻元秀; 汪福顺; 王宝利; 李干蓉; 溶解无机碳及其同位素组成特征对初期水库过程的响应—以新建水库(洪家渡)为例. 矿物学报. 2009,29(2):268-274.

51.     刘小龙; 刘丛强; 李思亮; 汪福顺; 王宝利; 灌瑾; 杨妍. 猫跳河流域梯级水库夏季N2O的产生与释放机理. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009,18(4):373-378.

52.     黎慧卉; 刘丛强; 汪福顺; 吴攀; 王宝利; 张翅鹏. 猫跳河流域梯级水库磷的夏季变化特征. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009,18(4):368-372.

53.     喻元秀、刘丛强、汪福顺等. 乌江流域梯级水库中溶解无机碳及其同位素分异特征. 科学通报.2008, 53(16): 1935 -1941.

54.     喻元秀、刘丛强、汪福顺等. 洪家渡水库溶解二氧化碳分压的时空分布特征及其扩散通量. 生态学杂志. 2008, 27 (7): 1193 - 1199.

55.     汪福顺、刘丛强、梁小兵等. 湖泊沉积物中微量金属二次迁移过程中微生物作用的实验研究. 湖泊科学,2006181):49-56.

56.     汪福顺、刘丛强、梁小兵等. 铁锰在贵州阿哈湖沉积物中的分离. 环境科学,2005,26(1):135-140.

57.     汪福顺、刘丛强、梁小兵、朱建明、魏中青. 阿哈湖沉积物-水界面硫酸盐还原作用的微生物及其同位素研究, 第四纪研究,2003235

58.     汪福顺、刘丛强、梁小兵.湖泊沉积物-水界面铁的微生物地球化学循环及其与微量金属元素的关系.地质地球化学,2003,31(3)63-69

59.     汪福顺、刘丛强、梁小兵、魏中青. 湖泊沉积物-水界面微生物活动及对微量元素再迁移的影响研究,科学通报,20034819):2073-2078


1.       Yujie Wang, Ming Yang, Fushun Wang, Xueping Chen, Minghong Wu, Jing Ma *. Organophosphate Esters in Indoor Environment and Metabolites in Human Urine Collected from a Shanghai University. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 9212. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18179212.

2.       Xin Lin, Yujie Wang, Jinhua Zhang, Ming Yang, Xueping Chen, Fushun Wang, Jing Ma*. Analysis of lignin characteristics and terrestrial organic carbon sources in cascade impoundment system in Wujiang River, southwest China. Acta Geochimica (2021), http://doi.org/10.1007/s11631-021-00493-z.

3.       Jing Ma; Hongkai Zhu; Kurunthachalam Kannan*; Fecal Excretion of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Pets from New York State, United States, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2020, 7: 135-142

4.       J. Ma, H. Zhu, K. Kannan. Organophosphorus Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in Breast Milk from the United States. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2019, 6(9): 525531. 入选ACS Editors Choice. (IF=7.38)

5.       Y. Sun, X. Gong, W. Lin, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, M. Wu, K. Kannan*, J. Ma*. Metabolites of organophosphate ester flame retardants in urine from Shanghai, China. Environmental Research, 2018, 164: 507515. (IF=5.026)

6.       Y. Wang, R. Liao, W. Liu, K. Kannan*, T. Ohura, M. Wu, J. Ma*. Chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediment from Maowei Sea, Guangxi, China: occurrence, distribution, and source apportionment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 1624116252. (IF=2.914)

7.       M. H. Wu, C. Y. Pan, M. Yang, B. T. Xu, X. J. Lei, J. Ma, L. Cai, J. S. Chen. Chemical Analysis of Fish Bile Extracts for Monitoring Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Exposure in Water: Bisphenol A, Alkylphenols, and Norethindrone. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2016, 35: 182190. (IF=3.421)

8.       F. S. Wang, B. L. Wang, T. Zhou, T. Y. Chen, J. Ma. CO2 emission and organic carbon burial in the Xinanjiang Reservoir. Acta Geochimica, 2017, 36(3): 465468. (EI)

9.       M. H. Wu, B. T. Xu, G. Xu, M. N. Wang, J. Ma, C. Y. Pan, R. Sun, T. Han, L. Tang. Occurrence and profiles of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in riverine sediments of Shanghai: a combinative study with human serum from the locals. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2017, 39: 729738. (IF=3.06)

10.     M. H. Wu, C. J. Que, G. Xu, Y. F. Sun, J. Ma, H. Xu, R. Sun, L. Tang. Occurrence, fate and interrelation of selected antibiotics in sewage treatment plants and their receiving surface water. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 132: 132139. (IF=4.527)

11.     F. S. Wang, M. Cao, B. L. Wang, J. N. Fu, W. Y. Luo, J. Ma. Seasonal variation of CO2 diffusion flux from a large subtropical reservoir in East China. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 103: 129137. (IF=4.012)

12.     J. Ma, L. Chen, Y. Guo, Q. Wu, M. Yang, M. Wu, K. Kannan*. Phthalate diesters in Airborne PM2.5 and PM10 in a suburban area of Shanghai: Seasonal distribution and risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 497498: 467474. (IF=5.589)

13.     J. Ma, Z. Chen, M. Wu, J. Feng, Y. Horii, T. Ohura, K. Kannan*, Airborne PM2.5/PM10-associated chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their parent compounds in a suburban area in Shanghai, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47: 76157623. (IF=7.38)

14.     T. Zhang, H. Sun, X. Qin, Q. Wu, Y. Zhang, J. Ma, K. Kannan. Benzophenone-type UV lters in urine and blood from children, adults, and pregnant women in China: Partitioning between blood and urine as well as maternal and fetal cord blood. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 461462: 4955. (IF=5.589)

15.     L. Tang, B. Lei, G. Xu, J. Ma*, Jianqiu Lei, Shiqi Jin, Guyu Hu, Minghong Wu*, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in human hair from the college environment: comparison with indoor dust. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2013, 91: 377381. (IF=1.65)

16.     Ma, Jing; Zheng, Jisan; Chen, Zuyi; Wu, Minghong; Horii, Yuichi; Ohura, Takeshi; Kannan, Kurunthachalam. Chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban surface dust and soil of Shanghai, China. Advanced Materials Research, 2013610-613: 2989-2994.EI

17.     Ma, Jing; Zheng, Jisan; Chen, Zuyi; Wu, Minghong; Lei, Jianqiu. Distribution and potential sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban surface dust and soil of Shanghai, China. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 610-613: 2980-2984.EI

18.     Chen, Zuyi ; Ma, Jing; Wu, Minghong; Lei, Jianqiu. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in urban surface dust and soil in shanghai, china: Profiles, possible sources and health risk assessment. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 610-613: 642-649.EI

19.     Lu T, Huang Z, Cheung CS, Ma J. Size distribution of EC, OC and particle-phase PAHs emissions from a diesel engine fueled with three fuels. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 438: 3341. (IF=5.589)

20.     J. Ma, J. Cheng, W. Wang, T. Kunisue, M. Wu, K. Kannan. Elevated concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in hair from workers at an electronic waste recycling facility in Eastern China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186: 19661971. (IF=7.65)

21.     J. Ma, R. Addink, S. Yun, J. Cheng, W. Wang, K. Kannan, Polybrominated Dibenzo-p-dioxins/Dibenzofurans and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Soil,   Vegetation, Workshop-Floor Dust, and Electronic Shredder Residue from an Electronic Waste Recycling Facility and in Soils from a Chemical Industrial Complex in Eastern China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43(19): 73507356. (IF=7.38)

22.     J. Ma, Y. Horii, J. Cheng, Q. Wu, W. Wang, T. Ohura, K. Kannan, Chlorinated and Parent Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Environmental Samples from an Electronic Waste Recycling Facility and a Chemical Industrial Complex in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43(3): 643649. (IF=7.38)

23.     J. Ma, K. Kannan, J. Cheng, Y. Horii, Q. Wu, W. Wang, Concenetration, Profiles, And Estimated Human Exposures for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans from Electronic Waste Recycling Facilities and a Chemical Industrial Complex in Eastern China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42(22): 82528259. (IF=7.38)

24.     L. Tao, J. Ma, T. Kunisue, E. L. Libelo, S. Tanabe, K. Kannan, Perfluorinated Compounds in Human Breast Milk from Several Asian Counties, and in infant Formula and Dairy Milk from the United States. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42(22): 85978602. (IF=7.38)

25.     J. Ma, J. Cheng, H. Xie, X. Hu, W. Li, J. Zhang, T. Yuan, W. Wang, Seasonal and spatial character of PCBs in a chemical industrial zone of Shanghai, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2007, 29(6): 503511. (IF=3.06)

26.     张金华,黄佳琦,林昕,汪福顺,马静*. 乌江流域颗粒态有机碳的时空分布特征. 上海大学学报(自然科学版),202127(4)250-259

27.     黄佳琦,林昕,汪福顺,马静*. 乌江流域下游梯级水库沉积物中木质素的特征及有机碳来源辨析. 上海大学学报(自然科学版),202127(4)271-279

28.     刘烨,王玉洁,汪福顺,梁霞,陈学萍,杨明,马静* (通讯作者). 多环芳烃在新安江流域-水库体系表层沉积物中的分布、来源及生态风险评估. 上海大学学报(自然科学版),2020,26(1): 113-122.

29.     刘文龙,王玉洁,刘烨,孙妍,吴明红,马静*. 室内灰尘中邻苯二甲酸酯和双酚A的污染暴露. 上海大学学报(自然科学版),2019252):282292.

30.     李红,沈鑫豪,王玉洁,唐量,吴明红,马静*. 道路会晨钟多环芳烃的污染特征、来源解析及其健康风险评估. 上海大学学报(自然科学版),2017231):101111.

31.     吴明红,王玉洁,刘文龙,唐量Kurunthachalam Kannan, Takeshi Ohura,马静*. 上海中心城区道路灰尘中氯代多环芳烃得时空分布特征. 上海大学学报(自然科学版),2016222):131140.

32.     吴明红,陈鏐璐,陈祖怡,冯加良,马静*. 多环芳烃在上海近郊大气颗粒物(PM2.5PM10)中的污染特征、来源及其健康风险评估. 上海大学学报,2014204):521530.

33.     郑继三, 马静*, Yuichi Horii, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Takeshi Ohura, 徐刚, 吴明红. 固相萃取/气相色谱质谱法测定灰尘中的氯代多环芳烃. 环境化学,20123111011107.

34.     吴明红,李刚,徐刚,马静*. 上海市河流表层沉积物中的氯酚、溴酚及多环芳烃. 环境化学,20123111):17511758.

35.     马静,吴明红,徐刚, 王文华,程金平. 结构-活性关系对氯代多环芳烃性质的预测. 上海大学学报(自然科学版),2010165):536540.


1.       XP Chen*, F Bai, J Huang, Y Lu, Y Wu, J Yu, S Bai. The Organisms on Rock Cultural Heritages: Growth and Weathering [J]. Geoheritage, 2021, 13(3).

2.       XP Chen*, J Sun, Y Wang, HY Zhang, CQ He, XY Liu, NS Bu, XE Long. Temporal and spatial impact of Spartina alterniflora invasion on methanogens community in Chongming Island, China [J]. Journal of Microbiology, 2018, 56(7): 507-515.

3.       XP Chen*, HY Chen, J Sun, X Zhang, CQ He, XY Liu, X Huang, M Yang, FS Wang, K Väänänen. Shifts in the structure and function of the microbial community in response to metal pollution of fresh water sediments in Finland [J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2018, 18(11): 3324-3333.

4.       XP Chen*, H Ma, Y Zheng, J Liu, X Liang, C He. Changes in methane emission and methanogenic and methanotrophic communities in restored wetland with introduction of Alnus trabeculosa [J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017, 17(1): 181-189.

5.       XP Chen*, X Zhang, X Zhu, H Zhang, X Liang, Y Lei, C He. Exotic Plant Alnus trabeculosa Alters the Composition and Diversity of Native Rhizosphere Bacterial Communities of Phragmites australis [J]. Pedosphere, 2016, 26(1): 108-119.

6.       XP Chen*, JN Yang, XE Zhu, X Liang, YR Lei, CQ He. N-fixing trees in wetland restoration plantings: effects on nitrogensupply and soil microbial communities [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(24): 24749-24757.

7.       XP Chen*, J Zhou, Y Lei, C He, X Liu, Z Chen, P Bao. The fate of arsenic in contaminated paddy soil with gypsum and ferrihydrite amendments [J]. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2014, 56(1-4): 48-62.

8.       XP Chen, J Tang, L Jiang, B Li, J Chen, C Fang. Evaluating the impacts of incubation procedures on estimated Q10 values of soil respiration [J]. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2010, 42(12): 2282-2288.

9.       XP Chen, WD Kong, JZ He, WJ Liu, SE Smith, FA Smith, YG Zhu. Do water regimes affect iron-plaque formation and microbial communities in the rhizosphere of paddy rice? [J]. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2008, 171(2): 193-199.

10.     XP Chen, YG Zhu, MN Hong, A Kappler, YX Xu. Effects of different forms of nitrogen fertilizers on arsenic uptake by rice plants [J]. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2008, 27(4): 881-887.

11.     XP Chen, YG Zhu, Y Xia, JP Shen, JZ He. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea: Important players in paddy rhizosphere soil? [J]. Environmental Microbiology, 2008, 10(8): 1978-1987.

12.     FY Bai, XP Chen*, JZ Huang, YS Lu, HY Dong, YH Wu, SL Song, J Yu, S Bai, Z Chen, TY Yang, XY Peng. Microbial biofilms on a giant monolithic statue of Buddha: The symbiosis of microorganisms and mosses and implications for bioweathering [J]. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2021, 156.

13.     S Bai, M Yang, Z Chen, M Yang, J Ma, XP Chen*, F Wang. Distribution of functional microorganisms and its significance for iron, sulphur, and nitrogen cycles in reservoir sediments [J]. Acta Geochimica, 2021.

14.     Y Zheng, NS Bu, XE Long, J Sun, CQ He, XY Liu, J Cui, DX Liu, XP Chen*. Sulfate reducer and sulfur oxidizer respond differentially to the invasion of Spartina alterniflora in estuarine salt marsh of China [J]. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 99: 182-190.

15.     X Zhang, Q Gu, XE Long, ZL Li, DX Liu, DH Ye, CQ He, XY Liu, K Väänänen, XP Chen*. Anthropogenic activities drive the microbial community and its function in urban river sediment [J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016, 16(2): 716-725.

16.     GX Li, XP Chen, XN Wang, Z Chen, P Bao. Sulfur Redox Cycling Dependent Abiotic Ferrihydrite Reduction by a Desulfitobacterium hafniense [J]. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2018, 2(5): 496-505.

17.     J Cui, XP Chen, M Nie, S Fang, B Tang, Z Quan, B Li, C Fang. Effects of Spartina alterniflora Invasion on the Abundance, Diversity, and Community Structure of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria along a Successional Gradient of Coastal Salt Marshes in China [J]. Wetlands, 2017, 37(2): 221-232.

18.     H Zhang, XP Chen, C He, X Liang, K Oh, X Liu, Y Lei. Use of Energy Crop (Ricinus communis L.) for Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals Assisted with Citric Acid [J]. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2015, 17(7): 632-639.

19.     X Wang, XP Chen, J Yang, Z Wang, G Sun. Effect of microbial mediated iron plaque reduction on arsenic mobility in paddy soil [J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21(11): 1562-1568.

20.     XJ Wang, XP Chen, A Kappler, GX Sun, YG Zhu. Arsenic binding to iron(II) minerals produced by an iron(III)reducing aeromon as strain isolated from paddy soil [J]. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2009, 28(11): 2255-2262.

21.     C He, H Feng, Z Zhao, F Wang, F Wang, XP Chen, X Wang, P Zhang, S Li, Y Yi, D Wang. Mechanism of nitrous oxide (N2O) production during thermal stratification of a karst, deep-water reservoir in southwestern China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 303.

22.     C He, L Cheng, D Wang, Z Zhao, Z Wang, F Wang, X Wang, P Zhang, XP Chen, X Liu. Spartina alterniflora raised soil sulfide content by regulating sulfur cycle-associated bacteria in the Jiuduansha Wetland of China [J]. Plant and Soil, 2021.

23.     Y He, C He, F Wang, X Guo, Z Zhao, X Zhang, XP Chen, X Liu. Efficient degradation of Congo red and phenol by a new photocatalyst Ag/AgBr-Al-attapulgite composite under visible light irradiation [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(25): 33320-33330.

24.     X Lin, Y Wang, J Zhang, M Yang, XP Chen, F Wang, J Ma. Interception, degradation and contributions of terrestrial organic carbon obtained from lignin analysis in Wujiang River, southwest China [J]. Acta Geochimica, 2021.

25.     Y Lu, H Liu, W Feng, Y Xu, XP Chen. A new and efficient approach for phosphorus recovery from wastewater in the form of vivianite mediated by iron-reducing bacteria [J]. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 42.

26.     Y Lu, H Liu, X Huang, L Xu, J Zhou, G Qian, J Shen, XP Chen. Nitrate removal during Fe(III) bio-reduction in microbial-mediated iron redox cycling systems [J]. Water Science and Technology, 2021, 84(4): 985-994.

27.     Y Wang, M Yang, F Wang, XP Chen, M Wu, J Ma. Organophosphate esters in indoor environment and metabolites in human urine collected from a Shanghai university [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(17).

28.     Y Yue, F Wang, Z Fu, Y Tang, J Ma, Y Qin, M Li, M Yang, XP Chen. Differential response of microbial diversity and abundance to hydrological residual time and age in cascade reservoirs [J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2021, 21(2): 1290-1301.

29.     Y Lu, X Huang, L Xu, XP Chen, J Zhou, G Qian, F Fang. Elucidation of the nitrogen-transformation mechanism for nitrite removal using a microbial-mediated iron redox cycling system [J]. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020, 33.

30.     C He, Y Zhao, F Wang, K Oh, Z Zhao, C Wu, X Zhang, XP Chen, X Liu. Phytoremediation of soil heavy metals (Cd and Zn) by castor seedlings: Tolerance, accumulation and subcellular distribution [J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 252.

31.     X Guo, C He, X Sun, X Liang, XP Chen, XY Liu. Adsorption of phenol from aqueous solution by four types of modified attapulgites [J]. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2019, 16(2): 793-800.

32.     T Wang, Z Li, XP Chen, XE Long. Effects of nickel and cobalt on methane production and methanogen abundance and diversity in paddy soil [J]. PeerJ, 2019, 2019(1).

33.     Z Wang, H Zhang, C He, C Liu, X Liang, XP Chen. Spatiotemporal variability in soil sulfur storage is changed by exotic Spartina alterniflora in the Jiuduansha Wetland, China [J]. Ecological Engineering, 2019, 133: 160-166.

34.     X Zhang, J Chen, X Liu, XP Chen, L Liu, Y Niu, R Wang. The relief effects of organic acids on Scirpus triqueter L. under pyrenelead stress [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(16): 15828-15837.

35.     X Zhang, J Chen, X Liu, M Gao, XP Chen, C Huang. Nickel uptake and distribution in Agropyron cristatum L. in the presence of pyrene [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 174: 370-376.

36.     Q Liu, K Yu, P Yi, W Cao, XP Chen, X Zhang. Regeneration of Fe II /Fe III complex from NO chelating absorption by microbial fuel cell [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(19): 19540-19548.

37.     K Tao, X Zhang, XP Chen, X Liu, X Hu, X Yuan. Response of soil bacterial community to bioaugmentation with a plant residue-immobilized bacterial consortium for crude oil removal [J]. Chemosphere, 2019, 222: 831-838.

38.     M Wang, Z Tang, XP Chen, X Wang, WX Zhou, Z Tang, J Zhang, FJ Zhao. Water management impacts the soil microbial communities and total arsenic and methylated arsenicals in rice grains [J]. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 247: 736-744.

39.     K Väänänen, MT Leppänen, XP Chen, J Akkanen. Metal bioavailability in ecological risk assessment of freshwater ecosystems: From science to environmental management [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 147: 430-446.

40.     X Cheng, CQ He, Z Shi, XP Chen, K Oh, L Xia, X Liu, P Xiong, Q Muo. Effect of spent mushroom substrate on strengthening the phytoremediation potential of Ricinus communis to Cd- and Zn-polluted soil [J]. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018, 20(14): 1389-1399.

41.     J He, C He, XP Chen, X Liang, T Huang, X Yang, H Shang. Comparative study of remediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated soil using electrokinetics combined with bioremediation [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(18): 17682-17689.

42.     X Liu, X Hu, X Zhang, XP Chen, J Chen, X Yuan. Effect of Bacillus subtilis and NTA-APG on pyrene dissipation in phytoremediation of nickel co-contaminated wetlands by Scirpus triqueter [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 154: 69-74.

43.     ML Long, Q Zhang, X Liang, XP Chen, CQ He. Allelopathic effect of aqueous extract from spartina alterniflora on skeletonema costatum [J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2018, 37(7): 1969-1975.

44.     J Wei, X Liu, C Wang, XP Chen, X Liang, Q Wang. Contrastive soil properties, microbial structure and soil enzymes in the rhizosphere of scirpus triqueter and bulk soil in petroleum-contaminated wetland [J]. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2018, 17(7): 1701-1709.

45.     PP Xiong, CQ He, K Oh, XP Chen, X Liang, X Liu, X Cheng, CL Wu, ZC Shi. Medicago sativa L. enhances the phytoextraction of cadmium and zinc by Ricinus communis L. on contaminated land in situ [J]. Ecological Engineering, 2018, 116: 61-66.

46.     X Yuan, X Zhang, XP Chen, D Kong, X Liu, S Shen. Synergistic degradation of crude oil by indigenous bacterial consortium and exogenous fungus Scedosporium boydii [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 264: 190-197.

47.     J Wei, X Zhang, X Liu, X Liang, XP Chen. Influence of root components of celery on pyrene bioaccessibility, soil enzymes and microbial communities in pyrene and pyrene-diesel spiked soils [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 599-600: 50-57.

48.     XY Liu, KY Tao, J Sun, CQ He, J Cui, XP Chen. The Introduction of Woody Plants for Freshwater Wetland Restoration Alters the Archaeal Community Structure in Soil [J]. Land Degradation and Development, 2017, 28(7): 1933-1942.

49.     Y Lu, L Xu, W Shu, J Zhou, XP Chen, Y Xu, G Qian. Microbial mediated iron redox cycling in Fe (hydr)oxides for nitrite removal [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 224: 34-40.

50.     K Tao, X Liu, XP Chen, X Hu, L Cao, X Yuan. Biodegradation of crude oil by a defined co-culture of indigenous bacterial consortium and exogenous Bacillus subtilis [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 224: 327-332.

51.     J Zhou, W Shu, Y Gao, Z Cao, J Zhang, H Hou, J Zhao, XP Chen, Y Pan, G Qian. Enhanced arsenite immobilization via ternary layered double hydroxides and application to paddy soil remediation [J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(33): 20320-20326.

52.     J Li, J Pei, J Cui, XP Chen, B Li, M Nie, C Fang. Carbon quality mediates the temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition in managed ecosystems [J]. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2017, 250: 44-50.

53.     Q Wang, X Liu, X Zhang, Y Hou, X Hu, X Liang, XP Chen. Influence of tea saponin on enhancing accessibility of pyrene and cadmium phytoremediated with Lolium multiflorum in co-contaminated soils [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(6): 5705-5711.

54.     H Li, X Zhang, X Liu, X Hu, Q Wang, Y Hou, XP Chen, X Chen. Effect of rhizodeposition on alterations of soil structure and microbial community in pyrenelead co-contaminated soils [J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(2): 1-8.

55.     X Liang, C He, X Zhu, XP Chen, Y Lei, H Zhang, Z Qin, X Qi. Effect of exotic Spartina alterniflora on fungal symbiosis with native plants Phragmites australis and Scirpus mariqueter, and model plants Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens [J]. Aquatic Botany, 2016, 130: 50-58.

56.     X Liang, X Zhang, Q Sun, C He, XP Chen, X Liu, Z Chen. The role of filamentous algae Spirogyra spp. in methane production and emissions in streams [J]. Aquatic Sciences, 2016, 78(2): 227-239.

57.     Y Hou, X Liu, X Zhang, X Chen, K Tao, XP Chen, X Liang, C He. Identification of Scirpus triqueter root exudates and the effects of organic acids on desorption and bioavailability of pyrene and lead in co-contaminated wetland soils [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(22): 17780-17788.

58.     Q Wang, X Liu, C Wang, X Zhang, H Li, T Chen, Y Hou, XP Chen, X Liang. Solubilization Effect of Surfactants on Morphological Transformation of Cadmium and Pyrene in Co-Contaminated Soils [J]. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2015, 226(5).

59.     JY Zhou, DX Liu, CQ He, XY Liu, YF Shen, XE Long, XP Chen. Molecular detection of diversity of anaerobic methanotroph in soil [J]. Shengtai Xuebao/ Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2015, 35(11): 3491-3503.

60.     X Zhang, J Wang, X Liu, L Gu, Y Hou, C He, XP Chen, X Liang. Potential of Sagittaria trifolia for Phytoremediation of Diesel [J]. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2015, 17(12): 1220-1226.

61.     J Wei, X Liu, X Zhang, C Wang, XP Chen, X Liang, Y Hou, H Li. Influences of Hydrosoluble and Lipophilic Rhizodeposits on Pyrene Sorption in Soil [J]. Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 2015, 43(10): 1401-1408.

62.     X Zhang, L Chen, X Liu, C Wang, XP Chen, G Xu, K Deng. Synergic degradation of diesel by Scirpus triqueter and its endophytic bacteria [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(13): 8198-8205.

63.     X Zhang, X Liu, Q Wang, XP Chen, H Li, J Wei, G Xu. Diesel degradation potential of endophytic bacteria isolated from Scirpus triqueter [J]. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2014, 87: 99-105.

64.     J Zou, X Liu, C Zhong, X Zhang, XP Chen, H Li, L Gu. Effect of palmitic acid on remediation of Scripus triqueter and enzymes activities of the rhizosphere soil in the simulated diesel-spiked wetland [J]. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2014, 94: 109-114.

65.     X Liang, CQ He, G Ni, GE Tang, XP Chen, YR Lei. Growth and Cd Accumulation of Orychophragmus violaceus as Affected by Inoculation of Cd-Tolerant Bacterial Strains [J]. Pedosphere, 2014, 24(3): 322-329.

66.     J Wei, X Liu, Q Wang, C Wang, XP Chen, H Li. Effect of rhizodeposition on pyrene bioaccessibility and microbial structure in pyrene and pyrene-lead polluted soil [J]. Chemosphere, 2014, 97: 92-97.

67.     J Wei, X Liu, Q Wang, XP Chen, H Li, X Li, K Deng. Different biomass allocation, soil enzyme activities and microbial characteristics between diesel-degrading plants [J]. Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 2014, 42(12): 1765-1770.

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69.     L Lin, J Cui, XP Chen, C Fang. Effects of reclamation on tidal flat and land use on soil microbial community [J]. Shengtai Xuebao/ Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2014, 34(4): 899-906.

70.     F Liu, X Zhang, X Liu, XP Chen, X Liang, C He, J Wei, G Xu. Alkyl Polyglucoside (APG) Amendment for Improving the Phytoremediation of Pb-PAH Contaminated Soil by the Aquatic Plant Scirpus triqueter [J]. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2013, 22(8): 1013-1027.

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