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Explaining presupposition projection in (coordinations of) polar questions
Natural Language Semantics ( IF 1.524 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11050-021-09182-2
Émile Enguehard 1

This article starts off with the observation that in certain cases, presuppositions triggered by an element inside a question nucleus may fail to project. In fact, in what looks like coordinated structures involving polar questions, presupposition projection patterns are exactly parallel to what is observed when the corresponding assertions are coordinated. The article further shows that these facts do not fall out straightforwardly from existing theories of polar questions, (apparent) coordinations of questions, and presupposition projection. It then proposes a trivalent extension of inquisitive semantics such that the observed pattern can be understood in terms of existing theories of presupposition projection. The proposal has the following properties: (a) apparent coordinations of questions are indeed coordinations of questions, and (b) the semantic denotation of polar questions is asymmetric with respect to the “yes” and “no” answers.



本文首先观察到,在某些情况下,由问题核心内的元素触发的预设可能无法投射。事实上,在看起来像是涉及极地问题的协调结构中,预设投影模式与当相应的断言协调时观察到的情况完全平行。文章进一步表明,这些事实并不能直接从现有的极地问题理论、问题的(明显的)协调和预设投影中得出。然后,它提出了好奇语义的三价扩展,以便可以根据现有的预设投影理论来理解观察到的模式。该提案具有以下特性: (a) 问题的表面协调实际上是问题的协调,
