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Self-Respect Paternalism
Utilitas Pub Date : 2022-10-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s0953820822000401
Søren Flinch Midtgaard

According to the influential disrespect account of what paternalism is, and why it is wrong, paternalism involves an anti-egalitarian, disrespectful attitude on the part of the paternalist: X (the paternalist) assumes an attitude of superiority when interfering in Y's matters for Y's good. Pace this account, the article argues that an important, although somewhat overlooked, form of paternalism is not, all things considered, insulting. This form of paternalism focusses on people's occasional lack of appropriate self-respect or their failure to see themselves as equals or to stand vis-à-vis others as such.



根据对家长式作风是什么及其错误原因的有影响力的不尊重解释,家长式作风涉及家长式作风的反平等、不尊重的态度:X(家长式作风)在为 Y 的利益干涉 Y 的事务时表现出优越的态度好的。考虑到这一点,这篇文章认为,一种重要的,尽管有些被忽视的家长式作风形式,从所有方面考虑,并不具有侮辱性。这种形式的家长式作风关注的是人们偶尔缺乏适当的自尊,或者他们未能将自己视为平等的或无法与他人平等相处。