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Health Disparities Between Religious Majority and Minority: A Cross-National Analysis
Review of Religious Research ( IF 1.119 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s13644-022-00517-x
Yun Lu 1 , Xiaozhao Y. Yang 2


Scholars have found that as a multi-facet phenomenon, religion has a complicated relationship with people’s health well-being. However, current research on health and religion has left a vacuum in understanding why we observe widespread health disparities between the majority and minority religious groups.


The present study is aimed at two purposes. First, we conduct a cross-national comprehensive examination of the relationship between religious minority/majority status and self-rated health. Second, we investigate the moderating potential of political contexts on the relationship in question.


Drawing from the 2010–2014 wave of World Values Survey, we construct an analytic sample containing about 70,000 individual cases nested within 51 countries, and apply multilevel modeling to account for the hierarchical data structure.


We first find that religious minorities are less likely to report good/very good health status relative to members of majority group. However, we note that the religious minority health disadvantage is driven by a few country outliers. After exclusion of any of these country outliers from the analysis, there is no significant health difference between majority and minority groups. Moreover, we find that political contexts moderate the health effect of being a religious minority. In countries with low levels of democracy or heavy religious restriction on minority groups, people of minority groups are less likely to report good/very good health compared with those belonging to majority group. By contrast, in societies with high levels of democracy or low levels of religious restriction, the health dispartities between religious majority and minority groups become non-significant. A series of sensitivity analysis, including using multiple-imputation sample and different ways of coding key variables, provides credibility to the results.

Conclusions and Implications

This study’s findings suggest that religious minorities experience health disadvantage, only when minority groups are denied of political and religious freedom. Compared with past works that mostly focused on a single or a few societies, this study provides large-scale, cross-national evidence for the issue of religious minority health. This study also adds to our understanding of how political context shapes the health impacts of religion.








根据 2010-2014 年的世界价值观调查浪潮,我们构建了一个分析样本,其中包含嵌套在 51 个国家/地区的约 70,000 个个案,并应用多层次建模来解释层次数据结构。




