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Structural Modeling Based on Human–Computer Knowledge Interaction
Applied Geophysics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11770-023-1017-z
Xianglin Zhan , Shun Li , Song Tang , Minzhi Zhang , Cai Lu , Guangmin Hu

Building structural models is a foundational step in the exploration of deep subsurface resources, such as oil and gas. However, in some complex surveys, expert cognition of the subsurface geological structures in the area is often incomplete, and the quality of seismic data rapidly deteriorates, which leads to poor structural interpretation and makes structural modeling a time-consuming and laborious task. To address this challenge, a structural modeling method based on human–computer knowledge interaction using knowledge graphs (KGs) is proposed. Initially, a KG of the structural model is established based on the original structural interpretation. Subsequently, it is gradually improved through iterative human–computer interaction to obtain a complete KG. Finally, the KG is used to guide the reconstruction of geological surfaces. In the process of improving the initial KG, humans can provide expertise to computers by editing the KG, and computers can cognize the data through the KG to help humans discover errors or new knowledge in the original structural interpretation. The method was tested on a field dataset and yielded robust and efficient results.



