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Chronic toxic effects of fragmented polyvinyl chloride on the water flea Moina macrocopa
Molecular & Cellular Toxicology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s13273-023-00372-z
Jaehee Kim , Yugyeong Sim , Jinyoung Jeong , Jee-Hyun Jung , Jae-Sung Rhee


Although many studies have reported the detrimental potential of commercially synthesized sphere types of microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs) on aquatic ecosystems, limited information is available on fragmented MPs and their chronic effects.


This study aimed to evaluate potentially harmful effects of fragmented polyvinyl chloride (PVC; < 20 μm) in a range from 0.001 to 500 μg L−1 on a water flea model, Moina macrocopa. Physiological and biochemical effects of fragmented PVC were studied by analyzing the mortality, growth, and reproduction parameters, with evidence retrieved from biochemical components for 14 days.


Waterborne exposure to PVC fragments resulted in temporal bioconcentration through ingestion. The PVC fragments were egested in feces. The mortality was drastically increased by relatively higher concentrations (> 10 μg L−1) of fragmented PVC compared to that of the control group. Two concentrations of PVC fragments (100 and 500 μg L−1) significantly induced growth retardation, with expansion of intermolt periods and decreased the first day of reproduction and the number of neonates per brood. Exposure to PVC fragments induced fluctuations in oxidative status and antioxidant components, with inhibition in acetylcholinesterase activity.


These results imply that fragmentation of MPs can induce a significant physiological and biochemical effects to aquatic crustaceans by inducing strong oxidative stress and impairing antioxidant defense.


聚氯乙烯碎片对水蚤 Moina macrocopa 的慢性毒性作用


尽管许多研究报告了商业合成的球体类型的微塑料 (MP) 和纳米塑料 (NP) 对水生生态系统的潜在危害,但有关碎片 MP 及其长期影响的信息有限。


本研究旨在评估 0.001 至 500 μg L -1范围内的碎片聚氯乙烯 (PVC;< 20 μm) 对水蚤模型Moina macrocopa的潜在有害影响。通过分析死亡率、生长和繁殖参数,并从 14 天的生化成分中检索证据,研究了 PVC 碎片的生理生化效应。


水性接触 PVC 碎片会导致通过摄入产生暂时的生物浓缩。PVC 碎片随粪便排出。与对照组相比,相对较高浓度(> 10 μg L -1 )的 PVC 碎片导致死亡率急剧增加。两种浓度的PVC碎片(100和500 μg L -1)显着诱导生长迟缓,伴随着蜕皮间期的延长,并减少了繁殖的第一天和每窝的新生儿数量。暴露于 PVC 碎片会引起氧化状态和抗氧化成分的波动,并抑制乙酰胆碱酯酶活性。


这些结果表明,MPs 的碎片可以通过诱导强烈的氧化应激和损害抗氧化防御,对水生甲壳类动物产生显着的生理生化效应。
