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Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Organo-Inorganic Hybrid Borate, K[B5O6(OH)4][B(OH)3]2(H2O)(C10H20O5)2
Glass Physics and Chemistry ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-16 , DOI: 10.1134/s1087659623600485
V. A. Yukhno , D. O. Charkin , S. N. Volkov , L. S. Manelis , A. N. Gosteva , S. M. Aksenov , R. S. Bubnova


Crystals of a novel hybrid organo-inorganic borate, K[B5O6(OH)4][B(OH)3]2(H2O)(C10H20O5)2 (1), were obtained from aqueous solutions and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy. 1 is triclinic (a = 10.1567(4), b = 11.9941(6), c = 17.1893(9) Å, α = 75.280(4), β = 79.406(4), γ = 88.531(4)°, V = 1990.270369 Å3, SG P-1; R1 = 0.058). Its structure contains [K(C10H20O5)2]+ groups which behave as “hydrophobic” templates for the inorganic part comprised of \({{{\text{B}}}_{{\text{5}}}}{{{\text{O}}}_{{\text{6}}}}\left( {{\text{OH}}} \right)_{4}^{ - }\) anions and neutral B(OH)3 molecules.
