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Probabilistic Estimates of Variations in Applied Indicators of the Thermal Regime for the Adaptation to Climate Change in Russia
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-08 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001433823140086
E. I. Khlebnikova , I. M. Shkolnik , Yu. L. Rudakova


Possibilities of using the basic technology of probabilistic scenario forecasting of the regional climate to obtain detailed estimates of future changes in applied indicators of the thermal regime in the territory of federal districts and individual subjects of the Russian Federation are considered. Probabilistic ensemble estimates of future changes are presented for climatic indicators such as seasonal extremes of air temperature for a given averaging period, the sum of active temperatures, energy consumption indices for cold and warm seasons, and other characteristics of intra-annual periods with air temperatures above/below threshold values. The changes in the considered parameters of the thermal regime have been analyzed. It is shown that the main features of changes expected by the middle of the 21st century detected by the results of modeling over most of the territory of Russia are well manifested based on the observational data in the interval 1961–2020.




