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Matching pursuit with unbounded parameter domains
Advances in Computational Mathematics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10444-023-10097-1
Wei Qu , Yanbo Wang , Xiaoyun Sun

In various applications, the adoption of optimal energy matching pursuit with dictionary elements is common. When the dictionary elements are indexed by parameters within a bounded region, exhaustion-type algorithms can be employed. This article aims to investigate a process that converts the optimal parameter selection in unbounded regions to a bounded and closed (compact) sub-domain. Such a process provides accessibility for energy matching pursuit in a wide range of applications. The paper initially focuses on the open unit disc and the upper-half complex plane, introducing adaptive Fourier decomposition as the underlying methodology. It then extends this concept to general Hilbert spaces with a dictionary and Bochner spaces for random signals. Computational examples are included to illustrate the concepts presented.



