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Determination of the Influence of the Oncoming Flow on the Vortex Zones at the Inlet to the Suction Sockets. Part 1. Flat Problem
Refractories and Industrial Ceramics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11148-023-00829-7
A. K. Logacheva , O. A. Averkova , A. M. Ziganshin , K. I. Logachev , E. N. Popov

The present study discusses the construction of an algorithm for calculating slot suction sockets under conditions of an oncoming flow using discrete vortices. It also presents the effects of flow patterns at different ratios of the oncoming and suction airflow velocities. The dependence of the sizes of the vortex zones arising at the inlet to the suction sockets on the velocity of the oncoming flow, length, and angle of inclination of the socket is determined. Equations are obtained for the critical velocity of the oncoming flow, at which the flow separation mode for the vortex zone 1 changes from separation inside the socket to outside it. The results obtained can be used to design local suction systems profiled according to the outlines of vortex zones.


确定迎面流动对吸入口入口处涡流区域的影响。第 1 部分. 平面问题

