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Analysis of traffic in communication networks based on percolation transition
The European Physical Journal B ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-16 , DOI: 10.1140/epjb/s10051-024-00652-0
Fatemeh Aghaei , Amir Lohrasebi

Studying the phase transition process from free flow to congested state in communication networks is one of the hot topics of dynamically complex systems, and many related theoretical and computational efforts have been made to improve traffic systems’ organization and load management. A criterion to measure the organization efficiency of the system is the formation process of a global traffic flow cluster from local small clusters in a communication network which can be evaluated by measuring the percolation threshold. While little attention has been paid to percolation in such studies, in this research, the traffic percolation threshold is defined based on the system nodes’ loads to examine the influences of the network structures, different routing strategies, and distributions of transmission capacities on the efficiency of the communication networks. Considering the obtained results, it was found any variation in the network structure and traffic control strategies that leads to a rather diverse load distribution among the system’s nodes can organize traffic loads more efficiently.

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