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Numerical methods for the forward and backward problems of a time-space fractional diffusion equation
Calcolo ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10092-024-00567-3
Xiaoli Feng , Xiaoyu Yuan , Meixia Zhao , Zhi Qian

In this paper, we consider the numerical methods for both the forward and backward problems of a time-space fractional diffusion equation. For the two-dimensional forward problem, we propose a finite difference method. The stability of the scheme and the corresponding Fast Preconditioned Conjugated Gradient algorithm are given. For the backward problem, since it is ill-posed, we use a quasi-boundary-value method to deal with it. Based on the Fourier transform, we obtain two kinds of order optimal convergence rates by using an a-priori and an a-posteriori regularization parameter choice rules. Numerical examples for both forward and backward problems show that the proposed numerical methods work well.



