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Investigation of the Recovery Process During Continuous Annealing of Cold-Rolled Automotive Steels
Metallurgist ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s11015-024-01627-3
P. S. Zhitelev , R. R. Adigamov , P. A. Glukhov , S. F. Sokolov , N. A. Golubkov

The paper presents a brief analytical review of the current state of research in the field of recovery and its modeling in order to predict the structure and properties, as well as a review of experimental research methods and mathematical models of the processes of structure formation during annealing of cold-rolled steels. The paper also presents the results of an experimental study of the recovery process in cold-rolled automotive steels using various techniques and describes a mathematical model for calculating the kinetics of this process depending on the temperature and chemical composition of steels.



