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Decarbonization of Exhaust Gases of Industrial Metallurgical Furnaces
Metallurgist ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s11015-024-01632-6
V. Yu. Bazhin , O. N. Masko , L. N. Nikitina

This study aims to solve the problem of decarbonization of industrial emissions from metallurgical furnaces using the process of carbothermic reduction of silicon in ore-thermal furnaces (OTFs) as an example. The methods used for cleaning the exhaust gases cannot completely ensure the processing of carbonaceous emissions. We propose a method of using conversion-type gasifiers for carbon reduction when processing combustion products of exothermic reactions in metallurgical units. Computational fluid dynamics and mathematical modeling are applied to confirm the feasibility of the proposed solution. As part of the scientific problem of decarbonization associated with reducing the carbon footprint, the thermodynamic processes in changing the dust–gas medium composition based on the solution of fundamental principles related to the modification of the Bell–Boudouard equation have been analyzed. Consequently, the calculated value of the carbon dioxide flow rate can become the initial parameter for the calculation model of a conversion gasifier for an OTF in the production of metallurgical-grade silicon.



