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Intensified exploitation of animal products in the Mediterranean Copper Age: isotopic evidence from Scaba ’e Arriu (Sardinia)
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-024-01943-4
Luca Lai , Ornella Fonzo , Robert H. Tykot , Ethan Goddard , David Hollander , Luca Medda , Giuseppa Tanda

In this paper, dietary patterns are reconstructed across two phases represented at the Copper Age of Scaba ’e Arriu (Sardinia, Italy) via isotopic analysis of human and animal skeletal remains. Collagen carbon, nitrogen, and bioapatite carbon, and oxygen isotopes were used to infer diet, economic practices, and possibly different climatic conditions. Differential management of cattle, sheep/goats, and pigs was detected, with scarce animal products in the human diet in the Early Copper Age, followed by an increase in animal products identifiable in herbivore livestock, coincident with more rainy conditions in the Late Copper Age. Dietary information was then considered in light of the climatic periods already known for the period and compatible with the data presented. The study’s outcome indicates generally sedentary and endogamous groups with only a few outliers in both phases.


地中海铜器时代动物产品的强化开发:来自 Scaba 'e Arriu(撒丁岛)的同位素证据

在本文中,通过对人类和动物骨骼遗骸的同位素分析,重建了 Scaba 'e Arriu(意大利撒丁岛)铜器时代的两个阶段的饮食模式。胶原蛋白碳、氮、生物磷灰石碳和氧同位素被用来推断饮食、经济实践和可能不同的气候条件。发现了对牛、绵羊/山羊和猪的差别化管理,铜器时代早期人类饮食中动物产品稀缺,随后食草牲畜中的动物产品增加,这与铜器时代晚期更多的降雨条件相一致。然后根据该时期已知的气候时期并与所提供的数据兼容来考虑饮食信息。该研究的结果表明,通常久坐和同族通婚的群体在这两个阶段只有少数异常值。
