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Stabilization of Semi-Markovian Jumping Uncertain Complex-Valued Networks with Time-Varying Delay: A Sliding-Mode Control Approach
Neural Processing Letters ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11063-024-11585-1
Qiang Li , Hanqing Wei , Dingli Hua , Jinling Wang , Junxian Yang

This paper pays close attention to the stabilization issue for delayed uncertain semi-Markovian jumping complex-valued networks via sliding mode control. The concerned corresponding transition rates depend on a positive constant, i.e., sojourn-time, which is not required to obey the general exponential distribution. Combine the generalized Dynkin’s formula with Lyapunov stability theory as well as the characteristics of cumulative distribution functions, a few sufficient criteria are proposed to ascertain the stochastic stability of the obtained sliding mode dynamical system. In addition, design a novel sliding mode controller to ensure all state trajectories of the potential closed-loop system can reach the synthesized sliding mode switching surface in a finite time and maintain there in the subsequent time. In the end of paper, one simple example is presented to verify superiority and feasibility of the provided controller design scheme.



