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Towards Establishing a Connection Between Two-Level Quantum Systems and Physical Spaces
Brazilian Journal of Physics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s13538-024-01462-6
V. G. Valle , L. L. Brugger , B. F. Rizzuti , Cristhiano Duarte

This work seeks to make explicit the operational connection between the preparation of two-level quantum systems with their corresponding description (as states) in a Hilbert space. This may sound outdated, but we show there is more to this connection than common sense may lead us to believe. To bridge these two separated realms—the actual laboratory and the space of states—we rely on a paradigmatic mathematical object: the Hopf fibration. We illustrate how this connection works in practice with a simple optical setup. Remarkably, this optical setup also reflects the necessity of using two charts to cover a sphere. Put another way, our experimental realization reflects the bi-dimensionality of a sphere seen as a smooth manifold.



